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Exchanging pieces when up...not this time!

[FEN "8/ppk3pr/2n5/8/8/P7/1P1RK1R1/8 w - - 1 1"] 1. Kf3 Nd8 2. Rg6 Nf7 3. Kf4 Rh4+ 4. Kg3 Rh7 5. Rd5 a6 6. Rf5 Nd6 7. Rc5+ Kb6 8. Rd5 1-0 Played recently. I concluded that simply ganging ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

When should you trade to prevent castling?

The main question I have is about a game I played. What do I need to know about how to take a piece so that my opponent's king can no longer castle? In the following game, I played Bxd2+ to do so. ...
X X's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Why was castling bad for white in this game, and engine strongly prefered trading queens?

I'm a novice player, trying to improve. In the following game I played as white recently on, I analysed afterwards and my worst move of the game was apparently when I castled. The engine ...
Baldrick's user avatar
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