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Hi @priyag, Welcome to Google Cloud Community! If the gcloud compute
images create and gcloud compute images export commands do not meet your
requirements, you can manually create and export an image from a Compute
Engine instance. This method involv...
Hi @Techfolla, Welcome to Google Cloud Community! Prepare for the exam
by following the Professional Cloud Architect learning path. Explore
online training, in-person classes, hands-on labs, and other resources
from Google Cloud. Review sample questi...
Hi @AJAX02, Welcome to Google Cloud Community! Google Arcade often
offers promotional rewards or credits, especially for new users or
through specific games and events. There are three main ways to learn
and earn: games, skill badges, and trivia. Eve...
Hi @harshada2828, Welcome to Google Cloud Community! To set up a Prefect
Server on a virtual machine instance, you may follow "Prefect Server
101: Deploying to Google Cloud Platform," written by Nicholas, published
on Medium. This article offers a de...
Hi @rrk, Welcome to Google Cloud Community! It appears that additional
assistance is required for your project. For more detailed guidance,
please contact Google Cloud Billing Support.