Map ID Overview

Select platform: JavaScript

A map ID is a unique identifier that's used to represent a single instance of a Google Map. You use map IDs to enable features or manage or style maps on your websites and in your applications. You can create map IDs for each platform you need--JavaScript, Android, iOS, or Static maps--in your Google Cloud console project on the Map Management page.

For how to create map IDs, see How to create map IDs.

What you can do with map IDs

Use map IDs to enable features and styling. Here are some examples of how to use map IDs. For a full list, see Features that use map IDs:

  • Cloud-based maps styling: Associate a map ID with a map style to style, customize, and manage your maps using the Google Cloud console. Available on all platforms: Android, iOS, JavaScript, and Maps Static API.

  • Vector maps: Use a map ID to use a map composed of vector-based tiles that are drawn at load time on the client side using WebGL. Available on JavaScript.

  • Advanced markers: Use a map ID to enable Advanced markers. Available on Android, iOS, and JavaScript.

Example for cloud-based maps styling

To use cloud-based maps styling to style maps on your website and Android apps, follow these steps:

  1. Create map IDs for each platform you are using. For example, create a JavaScript and an Android map ID. For details, see Create map IDs.

  2. Configure a map style on the Google Cloud console. For details, see cloud-based maps styling.

  3. Associate both of your map IDs with the map style in the Google Cloud console. For details, see Associate map IDs with your style.

  4. Reference the map ID in your website JavaScript and your Android app code. For details, see Add a map ID to your app.

The map style associated with your map IDs is then displayed on your website and in your Android app. You can make updates to your map style in the Cloud console, and changes appear in both places automatically, without the need for any app updates by your customers.

Features that use map IDs

The following table shows the Google Maps Platform features and APIs that use map IDs:

Feature or API Uses map IDs to accomplish these goals
Advanced markers Enable advanced markers. You don't need to create a map ID, and can instead use the demo map ID DEMO_MAP_ID.
Data-driven styling for boundaries Associate the map ID with a set of boundaries and styling to style the map according to the boundaries.
Data-driven styling for datasets Associate the map ID with a set of data and styling to style the map according to the dataset.
Flutter Style the Google maps used in your Flutter apps.
Maps Embed API Specify and style the map to be embedded on a web page.
Maps JavaScript API Style the map to be displayed on a web page.
Maps SDK for Android Style the map to be displayed in an Android application.1
Maps SDK for iOS Style the map to be displayed in an iOS application.1
Maps Static API Specify and style the map to be rendered as a static image.
Mobility solutions Use the Maps JavaScript API and SDKs for Android and iOS to style maps in Mobility solutions.1
WebGL (Vector maps) Enable WebGL features using a JavaScript vector map ID.

1 Using a map ID on Maps SDK for Android or Maps SDK for iOS triggers a map load that is charged against the Dynamic Maps SKU.

Next steps

Create a map ID