How does CD technology work by keeping up with the byte stream and FEC? Does the disc rotate faster or seek ahead further than the playing audio?
I’m curious because I understand the audio unit is two bytes or 16 bits and with its error coding (Reed Solomon,) there is a parity byte for every three bytes added. I’m unsure if this is Hamming or convolutional FEC because it’s a parity byte and Wikipedia doesn’t elaborate on the encoding.
It would seem the technology needs to read four bytes for each sample, and when that sample is played, the next four bytes must be readily available in a buffer. I also read the disc rotates at a differenct speed as the optical sensor approaches the origin, maybe due to change in angular velocity. Given, this it would seem either the disc needs to be four times as fast or n*4 bytes must be buffered if it rotates at the same speed on each circle.