Following Sean is a 2005 documentary film directed by Ralph Arlyck, and a follow-up to his 1969 student short Sean, which features four-year-old Sean's thoughts on marijuana (including his own use), police presence, and freewheeling lifestyles. The film's notoriety landed a screening in the White House and a variety of predictions regarding the outcome of Sean's life - whether he could grow up to embody the hippy philosophy, or whether he would turn out a drug dealer or stock broker.[1]
Following Sean | |
Directed by | Ralph Arlyck |
Written by | Ralph Arlyck |
Produced by | Ralph Arlyck Malcolm Pullinger |
Edited by | Malcolm Pullinger |
Music by | Eric Neveux |
Release date |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Following Sean picks up in the mid-1990s and turns Sean's story into a meditation on generational changes and legacies that are handed down as a result of choices made in heated political climates. The film was met with high critical praise, receiving an 86% "Fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes[2] and a 64 on Metacritic.[3]
edit- ^ "PBS Synopsis". Archived from the original on 2008-07-17. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
- ^ Rotten Tomatoes
- ^ Metacritic
External links
edit- Official Site
- Following Sean on IMDb
- Following Sean on Rotten Tomatoes
- Following Sean on Metacritic
- P.O.V. Following Sean Archived 2008-07-17 at the Wayback Machine - PBS's site dedicated to the film