Eco-socialism, green socialism or socialist ecology is an ideology merging aspects of socialism with that of green politics, ecology and alter-globalization or anti-globalization.
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[edit]- An anarchist society, far from being a remote ideal, has become a precondition for the practice of ecological principles.
- Murray Bookchin, Ecology and Revolutionary Thought (1965).
- The ecological principle of unity in diversity grades into a richly mediated social principle; hence my use of the term social ecology.
- Murray Bookchin, What Is Social Ecology? (1984).
- It has been long understood that “consumer sovereignty” is a myth. To make fundamental changes in the commodity economy it is necessary to have power over production.
- John Bellamy Foster, as quoted in A Resistance Movement for the Planet - Full Interview (July 02, 2017), Left Voice.
- Socialists have all too often failed to take ecological issues seriously enough. However, this is not a fault of socialists alone, as the fault applies even more to the liberal tradition taken as a whole. But whatever we choose to say about socialism in the twentieth century, it has to be emphasized that no one can be truly socialist and indeed Marxist in the twenty-first century and fail to acknowledge the full severity of the planetary ecological crisis. We are either at the forefront of the struggle to protect the earth as a place of human habitation (and as a home for innumerable species) or we are on the side of the system’s creative exterminism of the Earth system as we know it.
- John Bellamy Foster, as quoted in A Resistance Movement for the Planet - Full Interview (July 02, 2017), Left Voice.
External links
[edit]- An ecosocialist manifesto by Joel Kovel and Michael Lowy on Ozleft
- The Ecosocialist International Network
- Capitalism, Nature, Socialism (CNS) (Journal).
- The politics of ecosocialism - transforming welfare (book) (2015).
- Climate and Capitalism. (An online journal edited by Ian Angus).
- Democratic Socialist Perspective, Environment, Capitalism & Socialism (book) (1999).
- Extract from Ecology and Socialism by The Socialist Party of Great Britain on Common Voice
- Takis Fotopoulos, "Is de-growth compatible with a market economy?," The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2007).
- Another Green World: Derek Wall's Ecosocialist Blog
- Dan Jakopovich, "Green Unionism In Theory and Practice," Synthesis/Regeneration 43 (Spring 2007).
- (preview) Dan Jakopovich, "Uniting to Win: Labor-Environmental Alliances," Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 20, Is. 2 (2009), pages 74–96
- Ecosocialism: A Weblog of Ecosocialist Opinion
- So You'd Like to... Replace Capitalism with Ecosocialism
- Robyn Eckersley, Ecosocialism: The Post-Marxist Svnthesis
- Robin Hahnel "Protecting the Environment in a Participatory Economy," Synthesis/Regeneration 34 (Spring 2004). Retrieved (31-03-2013).
- Ecosocialism: Where Anticapitalism and Ecology Intersect, video presentation by Ian Angus
- After Bali: The Global Fight for Climate Justice , video presentation by Patrick Bond
- The official site of "Ecosocialists Greece" Political Organization
- John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark "Capitalism and Ecological Destruction," Monthly Review (November 2009). Retrieved (31-03-2013).
- John Bellamy Foster and Fred Magdoff "What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism" (book)
- Ecosocialist Horizons