View allAll Photos Tagged snow
CN 5716 leads westbound train 406 through another snow bank as they head by Nauwigewauk, New Brunswick, the day after the first major snow storm of the year.
January 8,2017.
Sin there has been no snow since this was taken in November I went back to grab this beautiful wintry scene.
This sun is untouched - the wide angle lens distortion created this wonderful effect.
Lake St. Clare National Park - Tasmania - Australia.
World Heritage Listed.
Texture thank you Betty Jo.
Best viewed large.
Master of Photography - Members Choice.
Theodor Fontane:
Alles still! es tanzt den Reigen
Mondenstrahl in Wald und Flur,
Und darüber thront das Schweigen
Und der Winterhimmel nur.
Snow Bunting - Plectrophenax Nivalis
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