View allAll Photos Tagged snow

CN 5716 leads westbound train 406 through another snow bank as they head by Nauwigewauk, New Brunswick, the day after the first major snow storm of the year.


January 8,2017.

The first snow of this season, it's little bit earlier than last year. 今年的第一場雪,比往年早些

Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire.


Sin there has been no snow since this was taken in November I went back to grab this beautiful wintry scene.

This sun is untouched - the wide angle lens distortion created this wonderful effect.


Thanks for your visit and comments I appreciate that very much

It snowed today taken at the Filberg Park in Comox.

Lake St. Clare National Park - Tasmania - Australia.

World Heritage Listed.


Texture thank you Betty Jo.

Best viewed large.

Master of Photography - Members Choice.

Snow at Kankakee State Park.

Theodor Fontane:

Alles still! es tanzt den Reigen

Mondenstrahl in Wald und Flur,

Und darüber thront das Schweigen

Und der Winterhimmel nur.


Winter in April again, here in the north!!

Snow Bunting - Plectrophenax Nivalis




Thanks to all who take the time to Comment/fav etc...Always appreciated.

a magically wonderful winter day in Januari

And it was só cold because of the wind. I forgot my photo-handgloves...

Snow on the branches


Red Beck Valley, Hove Edge, Brighouse

First substantial snow of the season in the Uinta Mountains

Ftan, Engadin, Switzerland

Snowshoeing at Rocky Mountain National Park

Snow covered hills at Woodhead Reservoir.

Foto de dalt a Pas de la Casa.

Unfortunately I've lost the link to the reference. If you recognise it please let me know so that I can give you credit, Pat

At least it's a pretty snow.

Snow capped pine trees hold wonderful surprises, such as this male cardinal.

The floodlights of Salisbury Cathedral catch the brilliant white of heavy snow falling.

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