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Fortnite Wiki

Cost: 1 Ammo: Bot Turret. Ammo Regen Time: 150 seconds. Deploys a stationary hover turret that fires 6 rounds per second at enemies within 4 tile range. Turret lasts for 20 seconds
— In-Game Description

Hover Turret is a Gadget in Fortnite: Save the World that can be obtained in the Upgrades tab for 1 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points.


Tier Description Bonuses Cost
Tier 2 Improves the range of the Hover Turret. Increases Hover Turret range by 4 tiles. 2 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points
Tier 3 Improves the Hover Turret's duration. Increases how long the Hover Turret stays active by 10 seconds. 2 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points
Tier 4 Number of charges that can be held for a given ability. Ability Charges +1. 3 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points
Tier 5 The Hover Turret now explodes upon death. Hover turret now explodes on death, doing a base 114 damage. 3 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points
Tier 6 Increases the Hover Turret's rate of fire. Increase the Hover Turret fire rate to 10 rounds per second. 4 Upgrade Points - Currency - FortniteUpgrade Points

Hero Perks[]

Hero Perks interacting with Hover Turret:

Hero Perk
Undercover Buzz - Hero - Save the World Undercover Buzz Gadgeteer Gadgeteer Decreases Gadget cooldowns by 20%.
Decreases Gadget cooldowns by 50%.
Robo-Kevin - Outfit - Fortnite Robo-Kevin


Concept Art[]

