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Disambig gray This article is about the reality. For the Chapter 4 Season 1 Battle Pass Loading Screen of the same name, see Reality Zero (Loading Screen).
Disambig gray This article is about the mainstream reality of Chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4. For other chapters' realities, see Mainstream Reality (disambiguation).
Assassin Unknown - Emoticon - Fortnite
Due to lack of official information, this article/section may contain speculation and/or fan interpretations
Some information on this page may therefore be partially incorrect or factually incorrect.

It's in a different universe. The place where every reality ever came from.
Spider-Man Zero

Reality Zero refers to three successive Realities which acted as the mainstream Reality of Fortnite: Battle Royale, before Chapter 5. The final iteration was destroyed alongside The Zero Point between Chapter 4: Season 4 and Chapter 5: Season 1.


The third and final iteration of Reality Zero, formerly known as Reality: Unknown was created by The Zero Point when its power was restored by Jones and The Looper and that The Paradigm triggered the Zero Fusion at the cost of her life. The process gathered fragments from various Fractured Realities, including the surviving fragments of the previous iteration of Reality Zero as well as Oathbound's Reality, Reality: 659, The Ancients' Reality and various small ones and merged them into a single island named Asteria. It was in this Reality that Fortnite: Battle Royale took place during the whole Chapter 4 except Chapter 4: Season OG. In this Reality The Loop does not exist. However, it would turn out that Reality Zero had a very short lifespan and was doomed to collapse. Furthermore, unspecified formidable enemies noticed this and would target the Reality, probably to recover the Zero Point. Slone, with the help of Optimus Prime, created a plan to allow the inhabitants to escape.

As of The Big Bang created in the past thanks to Slone's plan, Asteria's inhabitants moved to one of the new Galaxies created by The Big Bang which contain Helios' Reality. As per Optimus Prime and The Autumn Queen's announcement, Reality Zero presumably collapsed shortly afterwards.

The second iteration of Reality Zero takes the form of two twin islands, Apollo and Artemis, superimposed on each other, each with their own daytime and surrounded by a barrier separating the Reality from the void of The Omniverse[1]. This reality was created by The Zero Point at the exact same coordinate than the previous iteration, using the matter absorbed from the previous one to create a new Reality.[2] It was in this Reality that Fortnite: Battle Royale took place during the whole Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. Just like the previous iteration, this Reality was divided between The Loop and the Extra Loop. However The Loop seemed to work only on Apollo before the Flipside. The two Island of this Reality were flipped during The End (Chapter 2), after The Army of the Last Reality invaded Apollo and almost eliminated everyone on it and made the Island unlivable.

This iteration of Reality Zero met its end during Fracture in Chapter 3: Season 4, after The Herald completely chromed Artemis and fused with the Reality Tree, annihilating both Apollo and Artemis and the whole Reality. The Zero Point then teleported elsewhere in The Omniverse.

The first iteration of Reality Zero was created by The Zero Point and is said to be the very first reality created during The Big Bang, and thus contains The Zero Point. It was said to be the world where every reality ever came from. It was in this Reality that Fortnite: Battle Royale took place during the whole Chapter 1. This Reality is composed of only one island, Athena, and was divided between The Loop and the Extra Loop. It is supposed that just like the second iteration, the Reality was surrounded by a barrier separating it from the void of the Omniverse.

This iteration of Reality Zero met its end during The End in Season X, after The Seven managed to contain the Zero Point, but that it unexpectedly became a Black Hole that absorbed the whole Reality following interferences from people outside The Loop that were not calculated.

The Zero Point[]

The Zero Point (Chapter 4) - Object - Fortnite

The Zero Point is the heart of all of reality itself and the creator of The Island. It is usually targeted by outsiders, such as The Devourer, Galactus and The Last Reality, due to its extreme power, which usually results in The Zero Point drastically altering the reality.

The Island[]

The Island was the home and creation of The Zero Point. Because of the manipulation of the Imagined Order, The Zero Point attracted many threats to it, putting the Island under danger. Each iteration of Reality Zero had its own Island, which were the only component of Reality Zero.

Reality Zero - Reforged - Fortnite


Asteria is the Island of the final iteration of Reality Zero. It was created as the only part of Reality Zero thanks to the Zero Fusion process which fused fragments of fractured realities. Unlike the two previous iteration of Reality Zero, this one along with its Island was located at a completely different coordinates and didn't had any borders to separate it from the void of the Omniverse. While those outside the Island will not see any stars, those who are close to the island or on it would see a Sun and a Moon appear with a day-night cycle.

Flipside - Promotional Image - Fortnite

Reality Zero along with Apollo and Artemis seen from outer space.

The Island of this iteration of Reality Zero consists of two sides which are Artemis and Apollo. Those were created from the pieces of Athena at the exact same coordinate as the later alongside Reality Zero after the Black Hole exploded. Apollo and Artemis as well as their atmosphere were contained within a giant bubble which served as Reality Zero's border. A gigantic cavern-like area which is filled with water and connects the two halves of The Island. It also contains The Bridge facility on the Apollo side. The Island is surrounded by a body of water, and it appears that Gravity is reversed when the center of the island is reached, keeping the water from flowing out. As seen in The End event, the Island can be flipped. Each side have it's own daytime.

The Island of the very first Iteration of Reality Zero is Athena, and it is the original form of Reality Zero, the place where every reality ever came from. Little is known about this Island. However it's widely assumed that its functioning is exactly the same as its successors Apollo and Artemis, apart from the separation into two sides. It was reformed into Apollo and Artemis during The End event.

Dimensional separation[]

In its first two iterations, Reality Zero was split into two perfectly identical sub-dimensions by the Imagined Order using The Zero Point, The Last Reality's Storm and advanced technology from The Bridge[3]. One was called The Loop and the other the Extra Loop. Although the environment is the same, and what happens on one side affects the other, people in The Loop cannot interact with those in The Extra Loop and vice versa, even if they are at the exact same location[4].

The Loop[]

The Loop erases people memory, mutes them, and forces them to fight, as they forget everything each loop. A Loop ends after 22 minutes with The Storm killing all remaining survivors if there are any and then a next one start, with everyone ressurected and deprived of their memory of the previous Loop. The Loop is constantly monitored by The Imagined Order, either from inside The Bridge [5] or from another Reality[6], their technology being responsible for controlling all of The Storm's movements, as well as memory loss, which is handled by the PsyOps Division.

It is possible to escape the loop by standing alone at the very center of The Storm when no other combatants are left.

In Batman/Fortnite: Foundation, The Foundation confirmed The Loop could be destroyed, and this is what was possibly done after Collision. If not, the absence of the Imagined Order and the destruction of The Bridge would still have rendered The Loop completely dysfunctional.

From Chapter 4 onwards, The Loop ceased to exist as Reality Zero was destroyed during Fracture.

The Extra Loop[]

This is the place where Loopers who escaped The Loop are located, completely identical to The Loop. Here The Storm does not exist. Once they are there, this will gives escaped Loopers their voices and memories back, however they will only remember their time in the loop. They are not affected by the fights, and when eliminated, are permanently dead, unlike the trapped Loopers who will respawn next round.

Outside Reality Zero[]

The Ice Moon[]

The Ice Moon - Collision - Fortnite

The Ice Moon is the frozen moon of The Ice King, it orbited the first two iterations of Reality Zero, before the Second iteration was destroyed by The Herald during Fracture causing the Reality to be recreated elsewhere. It's the place where Polar Peak originated from. It was only accessible to players during the Collision event in Chapter 3: Season 2.


Known Alternative Timelines[]

Throughout the various chapters, several diverged timelines of Reality Zero, in other words Realities almost identical to Reality Zero were shown to exist and some of their locations appeared in Reality Zero, notably during Reality crises. However, none of these Realities have received an official numbering.

Name & Image Description
Fortnite OG's Reality
OG Homecoming (Full) - Loading Screen - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) that almost completely diverged from Reality Zero. This Reality collapsed during The Big Bang.

Name & Image Description
2020 03 25
Eclipsed Estate (Oro's Skull) - Cinematic - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's second iteration (Apollo) during Awaken Oro event that was created when the Time Traveler Kado Thorne decapitated Oro. Kado Thorne brought his head back with him in Reality Zero's present.
Midas hand's Reality
Eclipsed Estate (Midas' Hand) - Location - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's second iteration (Apollo) that was created when the Time Traveler Kado Thorne attacked Midas and cut his left hand, creating a timeline where Midas lost his left hand. Kado Thorne brought the hand back with him in Reality Zero's present.

Name & Image Description
Shark Head's Reality
Shark Head - Unnamed Location - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's second iteration (Apollo) between Chapter 2: Season 2 and Chapter 2: Season 8 events. A fragment of this Reality's version of The Shark / Sharky Shell was brought by the Reality Tree in Reality Zero.
Displaced Depot's Reality
Displaced Depot - Landmark - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) from an unknown point in time. A fragment of this Reality's version of Dusty Depot was brought by the Reality Tree in Reality Zero.

Name & Image Description
Mothership Butter Barn's Reality
Butter Barn - Mothership Testing Area - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's second iteration (Apollo) during Chapter 2: Season 5 events where instead of being wiped out by The Zero Point, the Butter Barn was instead abuducted by The Mothership.
Mothership Gas Station's Reality
The Mothership (Experiment - Gas Station) - Unnamed Location - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's second iteration (Apollo) during Chapter 2: Season 1 events where what would later become Catty Corner's Gas Station was instead abuducted by The Mothership.
Mothership Lazy Lagoon / Sunny Steps's Reality
The Mothership (Experiment - Lazy Lagoon) - Unnamed Location - Fortnite
The Mothership (Experiment - Sunny Steps) - Unnamed Location - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) post Season 8 events where Lazy Lagoon and Sunny Steps were abducted by The Mothership instead of being annihilated and converted by The Zero Point.
Mothership Lucky Landing's Reality
The Mothership (Experiment - Lucky Landing) - Unnamed Location - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) where Lucky Landing was abducted by The Mothership instead of being annihilated and converted by The Zero Point.

Name & Image Description
Salty Towers's Reality
Salty Towers - Location - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's second iteration (Apollo) where Salty Springs and Tilted Towers are one. Salty Towers was brought on Apollo as a consequence of the unstable Zero Point colliding Realities during Chapter 2: Season 5.
Dusted Depot's Reality
Dusted Depot - Landmark - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) where Dusty Depot was almost identical to Season X's Dusty Depot. Dusted Depot was brought on Apollo as a consequence of the unstable Zero Point colliding Realities during Chapter 2: Season 5.
The Pizza Pit's Reality
The Pizza Pit - Landmark - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) where Tomato Town was identical to Reality Zero's before Season 4 end. The Pizza Pit was brought on Apollo as a consequence of the unstable Zero Point colliding Realities during Chapter 2: Season 5.
The Durrr Burger's Reality
The Durrr Burger - Landmark - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) where The Durrr Burger restaurant is nearly identical to Reality Zero's Durrr Burger during Season 5. The Durrr Burger was brought on Apollo as a consequence of the unstable Zero Point colliding Realities during Chapter 2: Season 5.
Flushed Factory's Reality
Flushed Building - Landmark - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) where Flush Factory was identical to it's pre-Season 6 version from Reality Zero. Flushed Factory was brought on Apollo as a consequence of the unstable Zero Point colliding Realities during Chapter 2: Season 5.
Viking Vessel's Reality
Viking Vessel - Landmark - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) post World Collide where the Viking Village also appeared. Viking Vessel was brought on Apollo as a consequence of the unstable Zero Point colliding Realities during Chapter 2: Season 5.

Name & Image Description
SX Dusty Depot's Reality
Dusty Depot (C1S10 - v10.30) Location - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) where Dusty Depot was almost identical to Reality Zero's, except that the Red Warehouse was the furthest South instead of the Blue Warehouse. Just like it's Reality Zero counterpart, it was about to be hit by a Meteor, which instead of containing The Visitor, contained The Scientist. This version of Dusty Depot was brought when the Zero Point exploded at the beginning of Season X
Tilted Town's Reality
Tilted Town - Location - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) where Tilted Towers was a Wild West town. Tilted Town was brought to the Athena Island by The Scientist creating a Rift Zone.
Corrupted Retail Row's Reality
Retail Row (Season X) - Location - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) where Retail Row was corrupted and taken over by Cube Monsters and a group known as the Leftovers fought them. This version of Retail Row was brought to the Athena Island by The Scientist creating a Rift Zone.
Tacos Greasy Grove's Reality
Greasy Grove S10 - Location - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) in which Durrr Burger was replaced by a Taco food chain ran by Guaco, this version did not suffer the collision with Polar Peak. The Greasy Grove from that Reality was one of the locations brought to the Athena Island by The Scientist creating a Rift Zone.
SX Kevin's Reality
Floating Island (September 3rd 2019) - Unnamed Location - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) having suffered events similar to Reality Zero like the world collide and the arrival of Kevin. The alternative floating Island from that Reality was one of the locations brought to the Athena Island by The Scientist creating a Rift Zone.
Moisty Palms's Reality
Moisty Palms - Location - Fortnite
An alternative version of Reality Zero's first iteration (Athena) having suffered The World Collide, however Paradise Palms of that Reality was only partially brought, leaving a swamp in the middle of the Desert. Moisty Palms was one of the locations brought to the Athena Island by The Scientist creating a Rift Zone.


Pre-Chapter 1[]

Big Bang - Comic - Fortnite

In the beginning there was Nothing. Then, in a burst of pure creation, The Zero Point sprang into being. This event is known as the 'Big Bang'. The location of The Zero Point is Reality Zero, the origin reality containing The Zero Point.

Ages later, The Ice King brought The Ice Moon to Reality Zero to keep safe.

Thousands of years ago, the Imagined Order discovered the Zero Point.

Season X[]

During The End event, The Zero Point reorganized everything in Reality Zero.

Chapter 2: Season 8[]

During the invasion of The Last Reality, The Seven flipped Apollo to stop the attack and gain the advantage over the Imagined Order, revealing Artemis, the island where the Seven and all the Loopers they freed lived.

Chapter 3: Season 4[]

Creation - Fracture - Fortnite

Zero Fusion

Reality Zero was destroyed by Chrome; The Zero Point proceeded to recreate it by slowly collecting the surviving fragments of Apollo, Artemis and from fractured realities as well as taking in fragments from 4 other realities including Reality: 659 after The Paradigm triggered Zero Fusion.

Chapter 4: Season OG[]

By using the Time Machine, Jones arrived on the past of an alternative timeline of Reality Zero, in other words the past of a Reality very similar to Reality Zero. His mission was to recreate the condition of The End, and changing something to generate a new Big Bang that would create plenty of new Realities instead of a blackhole. All of this was to allow Reality Zero's inhabitants to escape in other Realities and find new homes before the Reality collapse. By generating a new Big Bang, Fortnite OG's Timeline collapsed and The Big Bang created several Galaxies that each contain several distinct Realities in order to give inhabitants of Asteria in the future other worlds to live after the announced collapse of Reality Zero.




  1. "I can't explain it, but reality feels... thin up there. Could there be another world - other worlds - beyond that barrier?" -Rebirth Raven Chapter 2: Season 6 Epic Quests Week 11
  2. "The Zero Point created the new island by rearranging the matter of the old one." -Donald Mustard in Donald Mustard's interview on "This Week In Marvel" podcast
  3. Loop Control System in The Bridge
  4. Batman/Fortnite: Foundation
  5. The Device (event)
  6. Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point Issue 3