I’m now allowed to create tags, and I have a new one I’d like to create. But I don’t know what procedure to follow in order to create a tag.
The tag I’d like to create would be for “computer-related” queries. The explanation for the tab would be:
Questions on or about how to use a computer as an aid in learning how to read, write, and speak the German language.
I envision that some sample questions would be something like these few:
How do I change my English QWERTY keyboard to a German keyboard layout?
For any given font, What Alt+nnnn keyboard inputs will generate the ligatures 'ch', 'ck', 'tz', and 'sz'? [for example, Alt + 0223 generates 'ß']
What is a source where I can both read German text and at the same time hear those words spoken in good German?
How can I convert Google and Amazon websites for German language input and output?
How do I use my computer to translate German words, phrases, and sentences to English, and the reverse translations?
How can I get my computer to generate Fraktur and Sütterlin fonts?"
Can I use Fraktur font in my emails?
Having spent many years in the computer programming and applications world, I can’t help but see computers as an excellent language-teaching and -learning aid. And so, will someone point out where I can find directions on how to insert new tags?