- Make sure you have pipx and poetry installed
pip install pipx
pipx install poetry
- Create a virtual environment (use python3 instead of python if on a mac)
python -m venv venv
- Activate the environment
source venv/Scripts/activate
- Install all dependencies, including dev
poetry install --with dev
- Start the application server
docker compose up
- To view the openapi docs
- Go to
- To deactivate the environment
**Note, you must have the venv activated when you commit in order for the pre-commit tests to run
poetry run pytest
poetry run pytest --cov
poetry run pylint $(git ls-files '*.py')
poetry run black .
- To add a new dependency
poetry add <package>
- To add a new dev dependency
poetry add <package> --group dev
- To remove a dependency
poetry remove <package>
- To remove a dev dependency
poetry remove <package> --group dev
- To sync poetry lock
poetry lock