Carson is a DevOps engineer and tinkerer with a variety of interests and experiences from management to CD/CI, mobile, and full stack development.
- Boston, MA
Daniel Glaser
I am a software engineer with a specialized background in JavaScript, graphic design, and animation.
Chewy Boston, MA
Peter Pinch
education at scale
MIT OpenCourseWare, MITx, MIT Office of Digital Learning Cambridge, MA
Nate Aune
Founder of @appsembler, provider of Open edX-as-a-service, and @jazkarta, web consulting firm specializing in Python and Plone.
Jazkarta Boston, MA
Steven Skoczen
Writer. Coder. Global nomad. Passionate about humanity, technology, and how that intersection can make us better.
Ink and Feet (@inkandfeet) Paris, France