A utility to detect poly-adenylated sequencing reads, call on-genome polyA sites and infer the reads' strand based on reads-to-genome alignments in SAM format.
Usage example (on a BAM file):
samtools view $file.bam | --minClipped=20 --minAcontent=0.9 - > ${file}_polyAsites.bed
Read-to-genome alignments in SAM format, and the corresponding genome sequence in multifasta.
The script looks for terminal soft-clipped A/T sequences (marked as "S" in the CIGAR string).
This script maps polyA sites on the genome based on read mappings in SAM format, and according to the following provided parameters:
minClipped (integer) = minimum length of A or T tail required to call a PolyA site.
Default: '10'.
minAcontent (float) = required A (or T, if minus strand) content of the tail.
Default: '0.8'.
Note: minAcontent affects both the A tail and the upstream A stretch.
discardInternallyPrimed = when enabled, the program will try to avoid outputting false polyA sites arising from internal mis-priming during the cDNA library construction. This option is particularly useful if your cDNA was oligo-dT primed.
Default: disabled.
Requires option genomeFasta to be set.
minUpMisPrimeAlength (integer) (ignored if discardInternallyPrimed is not set) = minimum length of genomic A stretch immediately upstream a putative site required to call a false positive (presumably due to internal RT priming), and hence not report the corresponding site in the output.
Default: '10'.
genomeFasta (string) (valid only if discardInternallyPrimed is set)= path to multifasta of genome (+ spike-in sequences if applicable), used to extract upstream genomic sequence.
Note: You need write access to the directory containing this file, as the included Bio::DB::Fasta module will create a genomeFasta.index file if it doesn't exist.
The script will output BED6 with the following columns:
- column 1: chromosome
- column 2: start of polyA site (0-based)
- column 3: end of polyA site
- column 4: ID of the read containing a polyA tail
- column 5: length of the polyA tail on read
- column 6: genomic strand of the read (see DESCRIPTION below)
The script will search for read alignment patterns such as:
|||||||||||..................... [match]
XXXXXXXXXXXZ-------------------- [reference sequence]
......................|||||||||| [match]
---------------------ZXXXXXXXXXX [reference sequence]
= a position mapped / unmapped to the reference, respectivelyX
= the mapped portion of the read or reference sequence(Y)
= an optional soft-clipped, non-(A|T)-rich sequence (possibly a sequencing adapter)Z
= the position on the reference sequence where the alignment breaks- The
streches are soft-clipped ('S' in CIGAR nomenclature) in the alignment -
= the portion of the reference sequence unaligned to the read
The genomic strand of the read + polyA site is inferred from the mapping of the read, i.e., reads where a polyA tail was detected at their 3' end are assigned a '+' genomic strand, whereas reads with a polyT tail at their 5' end are deduced to originate from the '-' strand. In that example, the first / second alignment would lead to a called polyA site at position Z on the '+' / '-' strand of the reference sequence, respectively.
CPAN: Bio::DB::Fasta
Julien Lagarde, CRG, Barcelona, contact