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Browser: Chrome
Browser: Chrome
Issue or pull request is *only" related to Chromium based browser
Browser: Firefox
Browser: Firefox
Issue or pull request is *only" related to Firefox browser
Browser: Safari
Browser: Safari
Issue or pull request is *only* related to Safari browser
Component: Accessibility
Component: Accessibility
Issue or pull request is related to WCAG or ARIA
Component: Documentation
Component: Documentation
Issue or pull request is related to Documentation
Component: NextJS
Component: NextJS
NextJS related issue
Component: RTL
Component: RTL
Issue or pull request is related to RTL(Right To Left)
Component: Tailwind
Component: Tailwind
Tailwind specific issue
Component: Test
Component: Test
Issue or pull request is related to Component Testing
Component: Theme
Component: Theme
Issue or pull request is related to Theme
Component: Unstyled
Component: Unstyled
Issue related to unstyled/passthrough attributes
Core Team
Core Team
Issue or pull request has been *opened* by a member of Core Team
Issue or pull request is related to a dependency package
Device: Mobile
Device: Mobile
Issue or pull request is *only* related to Mobile device
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
good first issue
good first issue
*** Welcome to PrimeReact Family! *** Good issue!
Pull requests that update Javascript code
PRO Support
PRO Support
Issue was reported by PRO User
Issue contains a question about the use of PrimeReact components or the products it supports
React 18/19
React 18/19
Issue or pull request is *only* related to React 18/19
Resolution: By Design
Resolution: By Design
The behavior in the issue is by design and the component exhibits the expected behavior
Resolution: Cannot Replicate
Resolution: Cannot Replicate
Issue could not be replicated by Core Team
Resolution: Duplicate
Resolution: Duplicate
Issue has already been reported or a pull request related to same issue has already been submitted
Resolution: Help Wanted
Resolution: Help Wanted
Issue or pull request requires extra help and feedback
Resolution: Invalid
Resolution: Invalid
Issue or pull request is not valid in the latest version
Resolution: Needs Issue
Resolution: Needs Issue
An issue needs to be created for the pull request
Resolution: Needs More Information
Resolution: Needs More Information
More information about the issue is needed to find a correct solution
Resolution: Needs Revision
Resolution: Needs Revision
The pull request can't be merged. Conflicts need to be corrected or documentation and code updated.
Resolution: Stale
Resolution: Stale
Issue or pull request is inactivity and unfortunately it will be *closed* if there is no response
Resolution: Wontfix
Resolution: Wontfix
Issue will not be fixed due to technical limitations