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              =#%@@@@%#+-:                scar45@github
            =@@@@@@@@@@@@@%+:             -------------
    :----:-%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*            Name: George Merlocco
  +@@@@@@@@#*%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%.          Role: UI Developer
 #@@@@@@@*-+++=+#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@=          Skills: HTML+CSS+(J/T)S
.@@@@@@@@*@@@@@%*++++***#%@@@@@:          Site:
 *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%%#*= .-%@@=          GPG Key ID: 19C4E47C18514F52
  -*%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+  *@@@*         OS: Arch btw
      .:--%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@* :@@@@=         Uptime: Generation X
          @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+ +@@%-          Packages: 1
          %@%*+==+%@@@@@@. .+-            DE: KDE Plasma 6
           .:=++=- -@@@%-   -             WM: KWin
           .@@%@@@# =*:    +@             WM Theme: Klassy
          . .   :-:      .*@@. -%*++.     Theme: NiTROUS
         +@#           :*@@@@##@@@@@@     Icons: Numix Circle
        =@@@*.     .-*@@@@@@%=+##****     CPU: Intel i5-13600KF
       =@@@@@@*++#%@%*#@@@@@@%@=::=*#     GPU: GeForce 2070 Super
    :+%@@@@@@@%-*@@@*:#@@@@@@@@%@@@@@     Memory: 64gb DDR4 3600 MT/s

Pinned Loading

  1. retro-crt-startpage retro-crt-startpage Public

    HTML5-based layout for a personalized retro CRT startpage.

    CSS 119 24

  2. nitrous-vscode-color-theme nitrous-vscode-color-theme Public

    A dark color theme for VSCode inspired by futuristic holo tech, comprised of a purple, pink, and blue palette.


  3. nitrous-plasma-color-theme nitrous-plasma-color-theme Public

    A dark color theme for KDE Plasma inspired by futuristic holo tech, comprised mainly of a purple and blue palette, with pink accents.

  4. nitrous-konsole-color-theme nitrous-konsole-color-theme Public

    A dark color theme for Konsole inspired by futuristic holo tech, comprised mainly of a purple and blue palette, with pink accents.

  5. conky_synthwave_neon conky_synthwave_neon Public

    Synthwave-inspired Conky theme with weather support and a spiffy layout.

    122 17

  6. clangdi clangdi Public

    Our Quake 2 clan website from back in 1998. First website I ever created.
