Stories about Photography from November, 2007
Armenia: Rock ‘n Roll Rebels
The Armenian Patchwork posts photographs from the last gig by Armenia's most popular rock band, Bambir. Now with a new drummer, Anush quotes the band's guitarist as saying their new...
Kuwait: Trips, Travel and More
Kuwaiti blogger continue to blog about their activities, within and outside their country. Abdullatif AlOmar keeps us up-to-date with their adventures.
Iran:American Soldiers and Children in Iraq
Razeno has published several photos showing American soldiers taking care of children in Iraq. The blogger says Iranian media never show such photos.Razeno adds that war is a very dark...
Georgia: Darba
Kaukasus posts photographs of the God's Mother Church in Darba, Kakheti, Georgia.
Bahrain: Losing its identity?
This week in Bahrain we have opinions on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit, a blogger's dilemma about whether to have a female friend, another getting stuck between his wife-to-be and her family, a call for more Islamic bloggers, and a fear that Bahrain won't stay Bahraini for much longer...
D. R. of Congo: Interview with ‘Best Francophone Blogger’ Cédric Kalonji
It's always heartening to see a good blog make the leap from a niche audience to wider recognition. Global Voices interviews the Kinshasa-based author of this year's 'Best Blog in French' (as chosen by the Best of Blogs jury).
Iran:Nocturnal hallucination
Kosoof, a leading photo blogger whose photos have been published in international media, has showed nocturnal hallucination in two photos.
Bahrain: New Flickr Group Launched
Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al Yousif announces the launch of Top 20 Bahrain – a photography group on Flickr.
China: Bloggers bust another really big lie
One of the less glamorous side-effects of censorship, the impact the 17th Communist Party National Congress had on Chinese media made a faked photograph of a rare tiger the top...
Japan:Travelogue from Georgia
Japanese blogger and blog journalism analyst Fujishiro Hiroyuki of Gatonews has posted a three-part travelogue, recording his trip to Georgia last month[Ja]. (1, 2, and 3) The series describes his...
Serbia, Macedonia: Travel Photos
Novala, Europa has a lot of new photos from Kosovo and Macedonia – here, here, here, and here.
India: Photographs of Chennai
Metroblogging Chennai has photographs from the Chennai Photowalk – an event organized to get some people together and click away as they walk around in the city.
Kyrgyzstan: Arts Exhibition
Asel introduces a couple of photos from the art exhibition “Epoch”, which opened in Bishkek, the capital city of Kyrgyzstan, on November 16.
Kazakhstan: Walking in Astana
Marlengo posts pictures of monuments in Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, starting the series with the monument to Abai, the great Kazakh humanist.
Afghanistan: Market in Jalalabad
Õnne Pärl of the Afghanistan photoblog posts a cute picture of crops and spices on the “bazzar” market in the Afghani city of Jalalabad.
Bahrain: GulfRun Photos
Lebanese blogger Mark, who lives in Kuwait, posts pictures of GulfRun, a motor sports race from Bahrain, here.
Kuwait: Busy with Activities
It seems as if it's activity week in Kuwait. With cooler weather, Kuwait's bloggers are out of the doldrums and writing about their everyday activities. Kuwaiti blogger Abdullatof AlOmar has more.
Armenia: Return of the King President
Levon Ter Petrosian, Opposition Rally, Liberty Square, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia Without a doubt, the most significant event this winter has been the return of the first president, Levon Ter...
Haiti: Picture Show
Alice Smeets posts a selection of her “12 best Haiti pictures”.
Bahrain: Kitting Out An Islamic Car
This week in Bahrain we have a thoughtful post about the nature of God, a story of a sex education class, visitors’ varying experiences of both Bahrain and Spain, and a complaint about public toilets. There is also an intriguing examination of the specifications an Islamic car should have…
The BOBs: And the winners are…
You've waited with bated breath. You've sat by your computer. Perhaps you've even flown to Berlin…that's right, Berlin, where the awards ceremony for The BOBs (Best of Blogs), a competition...