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Questions tagged [religion]

A term to describe an organized belief system which revolves around supernatural elements and entities.

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Where was this portrait of Jerome of Prague originally printed?

There are quite a few images of Jerome of Prague but the point is to find where this particular image originally appeared. As seen from the caption it should be some really old French book, judging ...
sand1's user avatar
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Where did the statement "The Catholic Church prohibited the commonwealth from reading the Bible" come from? [closed]

The Douay-Rheims Bible has a letter from Pope Pius VI saying that "these are the most abundant sources which ought to be left open to every one." Many bishops too ask Christians to read the ...
xcda64's user avatar
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Did the Trojan Horse story transpire? [duplicate]

In support that it happened: + neighboring countries confirm parts of the Iliad* + described in detail down to soldiers' names Instead in support that it's fairy tale: - (I believe) people weren'...
Vorac's user avatar
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How did beef come to be commonly eaten in Kerala (even among Hindus)? [closed]

Times of India ("Why Kerala has No Beef with Beef", [2015][1]): It [beef] accounts for more than 40% of all meat consumed in the state. Around 80% of the people here regularly eat beef, not ...
user103496's user avatar
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How did the Catholic Church grow in power between Rome and the Middle Ages?

I am not a historian, but I love learning history, and have loved it since middle school. One thing that was odd to me even back then, though, is that there seemed to be a "gap" in European ...
Gauss's user avatar
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How do we know that ancient peoples didn't see their gods and mythologies as simple works of fiction?

Suppose that millennia after our civilization is gone, an archeologist discovers a well-preserved treasure trove of manuscripts that describe epic battles between heroes and villains. There are idols ...
Purple P's user avatar
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Were any members clergy (priests, rabbis, or imams) in the USSR members of Communist party or KGB operatives?

Inspired by question Were there in the USSR monasteries decorated with Soviet orders?. Although religion was contrary to the dominant Marxist ideology (but see Christian Communism), it was tolerated ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Did the idea of true/false Gods originate in Dharmic religions and migrate to Abrahamic religions, or could they have a common inspiration? [closed]

Bible verses I am the LORD thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Deuteronomy 5:6 “You shall have no other gods ...
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Was this device created in the 15th or 18th century and what was it really used for?

The following picture appeared in my Facebook feed. Looking around, I was not able to find anything that could at least somewhat prove that the device was genuine (many people create random things now ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
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What would term would a lollard use to refer to the Bible?

I assume they would not call it the "Bible". Would they say "Holy Scripture" or "The Word of God" when talking about the whole collection of OT NT (and apocrypha) or was ...
Christina Eastwood's user avatar
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Did the Romans import worship in response to plagues?

Pan's Travail by J. Hughes mentions an introduction of various gods as a response to plagues near the fall of the Roman Empire, including Aesculapius ("introduced at Rome to avert a pestilence in ...
MaximeJaccon's user avatar
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What proposals have been made to amend the U.S. Constitution to make it mention God?

Many State constitutions in the United States mention God: But the U.S. Constitution does not.* What proposals have been made (say in the 19th century) to amend the U.S. Constitution to make it ...
Geremia's user avatar
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U.S. motto change from "E Pluribus Unum" to "In God We Trust"

Latin for Dummies p. 310 says: As a result of the Communist scare of the 1950s, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower and the U.S. Congress changed the U.S. motto to In God We Trust. But before the ...
Geremia's user avatar
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What is the history of "one nation under God"?

What is the history of the United States motto "one nation under God"? I saw it claimed in § "History of the 🇺🇸" of Campbell Phillip. 2019. The Story of Civilization : Vol. 4 - ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Is there a connection between The Establishment Clause and the fact that The United States has never fought a war in the name of Religion? [closed]

Since the drafting and enactment of The Establishment Clause-(The First Amendment and The Freedom of Religion) in 1791, the United States has never fought a war in the name of religion. The U.S. has ...
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