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Questions tagged [venice]

City in North-Eastern Italy, 45°26′15″ N, 12°20′9″ E, famous for being placed on many small islands, with no ground roads. From middle ages to the Napoleonic era, Venice was the seat of the Republic of Venice and a major Mediterranean naval power.

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2 answers

Were regular citizens of the Republic of Venice permitted to own and carry arms/weapons?

I've been researching about Venetian warfare and came across this website which inspired me to ask the question. According to this website (of perhaps questionable repute), the following is stated: ...
setszu's user avatar
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Why did the San Marco Marine Brigade adopt the winged lion of Venice?

The San Marco Marine Brigade of the Italian Navy adopted the winged lion of Venice — the Leone di San Marco — as its symbol, and the patron saint of Venice — San Marco himself — as its patron saint. ...
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar
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Why did the Ottoman Empire gave exclusive trading rights to Venice? [closed]

Why did Ottoman Empire decided to give Venetian merchants exclusive trading rights, which allowed them to monopolize spice trade? Wouldn't it be more profitable for Ottomans to allow free trade so ...
PlutDem's user avatar
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How do art historians study the transactions of art merchants?

My question is the following: I would like to ask how to frame a research paper about transactions of art merchants and their transcription from the accounting book to a research paper. I would like ...
Son Gohan's user avatar
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Why did a Venetian colonel defect to the Ottomans during the siege of Candia?

Following up on my interest in the Knights of Malta, I got to reading about their part in the Cretan War which went on from 1645 to 1669. This led me to the siege of Candia. This started in 1648 and ...
Stew's user avatar
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Did the Republic of Venice use range voting?

It's claimed on that The 41 elected the Doge (from among nominees they chose; any of the 41 could write a name on a slip of paper, and from then onward, that name was a candidate) by ...
Suzdalia's user avatar
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Is Attila The Hun's Throne actually located in The Veneto?

Torcello Island is a small island approximately 5 miles East of Venice. The island's "claim to fame" is a small ancient stone chair which has been nicknamed, "Attila's Throne"-(named after, Attila "...
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What percent of the population could vote in Venice between 900 and 1200 AD?

Venice's political institutions became much more inclusive between 900 and 1200 AD especially with the creation of the Consilium Sapientis. How many of Venice's population were citizens entitled to ...
B T's user avatar
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Were there any other systems which resemble the complex election procedure for the doge of Venice

I was fascinated by a passage in Thomas F. Madden's Venice: a New History describing the complex process used to elect the doge of Venice. This process is explained briefly here: Wikipedia: Doge of ...
kmlawson's user avatar
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Battle of Vienna & Morean War : what was Russia's position?

Russia doesn't appear in wikipedia's accounts of the Morean War or of the preceding Battle of Vienna. I find that mildly suprising. Perhaps the reason is that before Peter Russia was less active with ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
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Did loot from the 4th Crusade turn up in interesting places?

The horses of St. Mark were taken to Venice. Are there any other objects that are known to have turned up elsewhere?
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