
Tertiary Prevention Initiatives

What are they?

Tertiary Prevention initiatives are directed at those individuals who have already offended and seek to prevent recidivism.

Examples of Tertiary Initiatives

Group Therapy e.g. The Blue Angel Association (France)

The Blue Angel Association runs dialogue groups between victims and paedophiles. The groups consist of individuals with all kinds of different profiles and meet in a convivial, respectful atmosphere with an absence of judgement. The dialogue groups allow abstinent or ex-offender paedophiles and adults who were victims of sex abuse as children to meet, talk about their personal history and feelings, and help each other out. The dialogue with victims allows for a true awareness of the potential damage acting out or reoffending can inflict.

Individual Therapy e.g. Prevent it (based in Sweden, operating internationally online)

Prevent it uses a therapist-assisted online cognitive behavioural psychotherapy programme based on a new manual called Prevent it. This specific CBT program consists of eight short weekly modules. The aim of the treatment is not to modify a sexual attraction pattern, but to identify ways to help reduce the anxiety-provoking behaviour patterns and increase the quality of life.

Community Initiatives e.g. COSA – Circles of Support and Accountability (UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Catalonia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Ireland, and Italy)

Circles of Support & Accountability (COSA, or Circles) is a unique community justice initiative for support and monitoring of medium- and high-risk sex offenders in and by the community.

In COSA, a sex offender (the core member) after release from a custodial sentence is supported by three to six volunteers (the inner circle) from the local community. The inner circle assists the core member in his process of resettling in the community by providing moral support and practical help, and by encouraging pro-social behaviour. Volunteers are also trained to recognize behaviour that raises concerns.

Tertiary Prevention Initiatives

Photo by INHOPE

The dialogue with victims allows for a true awareness of the potential damage acting out or reoffending can inflict.
