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Discussioni utente:Suidpunt

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Gac 14:39, 31 lug 2018 (CEST)[rispondi]

RE:Could you please help me with this one?

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Hello Suidpunt. Well, the sentence "Prego di avere questo, per favore" is pretty strange and for sure it is not correct modern Italian. It almost seems a sentence from someone who doesn't know Italian well (like a foreigner or someone who speaks mostly dialect). It's meaning is correctly "I want this one, please"

A correct way to say that in modern Italian can be "Potrei avere questo, per favore?" or "Vorrei questo, per favore"
Saying "Voglio questo qui, per favore?" is correct too, but "vorrei" is more polite than "voglio", especially when talking to strangers.

"Desidero" (from verb "desiderare") is similar to "voglio". It can be used with meaning of "really want in order to satisfy a desire" (for example "Io desidero una torta al cioccolato" = "I really want a chocolate cake"). Or with meaning of a more formal want.

A shopkeeper saying "Desidera?" or "Cosa desidera?" to a customer is quite formal nowadays, especially in north Italy. I think it can still be used by older people, or in south Italy.
It is more common to say "Come posso aiutarla?" (literally, "How can I help you?") --Postcrosser (msg) 22:49, 26 set 2021 (CEST)[rispondi]