=head1 Curl::Transport
This module shows:
=item buildtime version check
Required features will be missing if libcurl was too old at Net::Curl
=item basic inheritance
Use Net::Curl::* as base for your modules.
=item exception handling
Most methods die() with a dualvar exception on error. You can compare them
numerically, or display as part of a message.
=head2 Motivation
recv() and send() methods use non-blocking transfer, this may be very annoying
in simple scripts. This wrapper implements blocking send() wrapper, and two
recv() wrappers called read() and readline().
package Curl::Transport;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Curl::Easy qw(/^CURLE_/);
use base qw(Net::Curl::Easy);
if ( Net::Curl::LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM() < 0x071202 ) {
my $ver = Net::Curl::LIBCURL_VERSION();
die "curl $ver does not support send() and recv()";
# alternatively you can write:
if ( not Net::Curl::Easy->can( "send" )
or not Net::Curl::Easy->can( "recv" ) ) {
die "Net::Curl is missing send() and recv()\n"
use constant {
B_URI => 0,
B_SOCKET => 1,
B_VEC => 2,
# new( URL ) -- get new object
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $uri = shift;
# use an array as our object base
my $base = [ $uri, undef, undef, '' ];
my $self = $class->SUPER::new( $base );
$self->setopt( Net::Curl::Easy::CURLOPT_URL, $uri );
$self->setopt( Net::Curl::Easy::CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY, 1 );
# will die if fails
$self->[ B_SOCKET ] = $self->getinfo(
# prepare select vector
my $vec = '';
vec( $vec, $self->[ B_SOCKET ], 1 ) = 1;
$self->[ B_VEC ] = $vec;
return $self;
# send( DATA ) -- send some data, wait for socket availability
# if it cannot be sent all at once
sub send($$)
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
while ( length $data ) {
# copy, because select overwrites those values
my $w = $self->[ B_VEC ];
# wait for write
select undef, $w, undef, 0;
# make sure some write bit is set
next unless vec( $w, $self->[ B_SOCKET ], 1 );
# actually send the data
my $sent = $self->SUPER::send( $data );
# remove from buffer what we sent
substr $data, 0, $sent, '';
# read( SIZE ) -- read SIZE bytes, wait for more data if there
# wasn't enough
sub read($$)
my $self = shift;
my $size = shift;
return '' unless $size > 0;
while ( length $self->[ B_READBUF ] < $size ) {
my $r = $self->[ B_VEC ];
# wait for data
select $r, undef, undef, 0;
# make sure some read bit is set
redo unless vec( $r, $self->[ B_SOCKET ], 1 );
eval {
my $l = $self->SUPER::recv( $self->[ B_READBUF ],
$size - length $self->[ B_READBUF ] );
if ( $@ ) {
my $uri = $self->[ B_URI ];
warn "Connection to $uri closed: $@\n";
} elsif ( $@ == CURLE_AGAIN ) {
warn "nothing to read, this should not happen";
} else {
die $@;
return substr $self->[ B_READBUF ], 0, $size, '';
# readline() -- read until $/
sub readline($)
my $self = shift;
# we allow changing $/, but we don't support $/ = undef.
local $/;
$/ = "\n" unless defined $/;
my $idx;
until ( ( $idx = index $self->[ B_READBUF ], $/ ) >= 0 ) {
my $r = $self->[ B_VEC ];
# wait for data
select $r, undef, undef, 0;
# make sure some read bit is set
next unless vec( $r, $self->[ B_SOCKET ], 1 );
# read 256 bytes, should be enough in most cases
eval {
$self->SUPER::recv( $self->[ B_READBUF ], 256 );
if ( $@ ) {
my $uri = $self->[ B_URI ];
warn "Connection to $uri closed: $@\n";
} elsif ( $@ == CURLE_AGAIN ) {
warn "nothing to read, this should not happen";
} else {
die $@;
return substr $self->[ B_READBUF ], 0, ($idx + length $/), '';
Sample application using this module could look like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Curl::Transport;
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $host = shift @ARGV || "example.com";
my $t = Curl::Transport->new( "http://$host" );
$t->send( "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n" );
$t->send( "User-Agent: Curl::Transport test\r\n" );
$t->send( "Accept: */*\r\n" );
$t->send( "Host: $host\r\n" );
$t->send( "Connection: Close\r\n" );
$t->send( "\r\n" );
my $length;
local $/ = "\r\n";
local $_;
do {
$_ = $t->readline();
$length = 0 | $1 if /Content-Length:\s*(\d+)/;
print "HEADER: $_\n";
} while ( length $_ );
if ( defined $length ) {
print "Reading $length bytes of data:\n";
print $t->read( $length );
print "\nTrying to read one more byte, should fail:\n";
print $t->read( 1 );
print "\n";
} else {
print "Don't know how much to read\n";
while ( $_ = $t->readline() ) {
printf "Last error: %s\n", $t->error();
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