What A Day…
It has been one of those days …. meetings, people, handshakes, and oh some blogging too. I am at the MESH 2006 conference, which is just an amazing experience.Far from the Silicon Valley Buzz Machine, Toronto is a tranquil place where you can contemplate a lot. Nevertheless, I got a chance to meet with so many cool people including Scott Karp (Publishing 2.0), Matthew Ingram, Michael Tippet, Jim Courtney, Jon Arnold (Why aren’t you at VoN?) and many whose names I forget, but their faces I remember.
Of course during the day I was hit by a hurricane called Albert (Bubble Share) and just when things were slowing down – I ran into Jim Coudal (Coudal Partners), Jason Fried (37 Signals) and Photo Matt. We ended up having an early dinner just a few steps from the hotel, and now I am so beat – that I can barely
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WorldCom.Com is dead
Netcraft reports that Worldcom.com and WorldCom.net have been taken off line, and removed from the DNS database. The domains are still owned by MCI, a division of Verizon. WorldCom, aka WorldCon was a poster child of white collar crime and was the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.
Web Economy Bull Shit Generator
I hope you get a chance to read my The Myth, The Reality and The Future of Web 2.0 piece. And once you are done with it, check out Web Economy Bull Shit Generator. You are warned – you will be spending hours on this site which is so cruel, oh so cruel!