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How can I improve NSView rendering performance?

On OS X/Cocoa I have an NSView into which I am drawing an image (when prompted in the drawRect: method). The image is a video camera image that I update around 80 times/second. As measured using ...
Jonny Taylor's user avatar
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Add NSView to custom parameter in FxPlug - Swift

I'm developing a plugin for Final Cut Pro, and need help on the UI part. FCPX plugins are swift application bundled in a FxPlug wrapper. The UI is made of parameter views packed together, custom ...
Marin Nagy's user avatar
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Why are NSView frames ignored when set just before an animation block?

I have the following unclear behaviour in MacOS: When setting multiple NSView frames, and animating them as a next step, the animation block ignores the last set frames. The host view is a ...
NikoDiYana's user avatar
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NSView display causes immediate drawRect call, but subviews changes not shown untill the next NSApp loop step

I have programmatically created NSButton as subviews of main window NSView, and wish to change button text color while some long processing is running. [myButton setAttributedTitle:colorTitle]; [...
ImageLite's user avatar
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Why this window does not show up at all?

I'm trying to understand how to change data in a variable (var or a label) in between two different views or functions. I'm migrating from swiftUi, I was used to create stateobject and accessing the ...
KanKonga's user avatar
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Stackview can't be resized follow the size of NSView

I'm a newbie programmer in Mac software developing and now there is a problem I cannot solve it. I want to make a Mac software with simple functions. It looks like the following screenshots, this ...
BROWN TOM's user avatar
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Returning another NSView subclass in 'initWithCoder' results in error "This coder requires that replaced objects be returned from initWithCoder""

I want to make a backwards-compatible background view for my application (OS X 10.6+) and then use it inside my Application.xib. I made a subclass of NSView which returns NSVisualEffectView or NSView (...
TechUnRestricted's user avatar
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Rendering OpenGL within an NSView subclass does not render [closed]

I have existing code that uses an NSOpenGLView. I would like to instead utilise a subclassed NSView controller, and I'm hiting a few walls (not least since OpenGL is long deprecated on Mac. I am ...
Tim Kane's user avatar
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Issue with NSTextView and NSView key events

I currently have NSView which receives keyDown: events and I haven't had any issues with it until trying to implement NSTextView with it. However, I am wanting to handle text input with my application....
Charlie's user avatar
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cocoa - Why am I getting blurry fonts when using CALayer versus drawRect for NSView?

I am porting an application from MS Windows to macOS. One primary feature is an "Image Viewer" that displays a rendering of a CCD image (e.g., astronomy picture). On top of this rendering ...
AsmCoder8088's user avatar
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Using custom shadow path on NSView

Unfortunately it seems that setting the shadow attributes on the layer directly doesn't work: let shadowView = NSView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100)) shadowView.wantsLayer = true ...
Nickkk's user avatar
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How to add subview in NSMenuItem WITHOUT storyboard?

I know there are answers like these, but almost everyone has their menu bar in storyboard. I made it purely in code without using .xib files so I'm not sure how to add a subview to my NSMenu item. My ...
Mansidak's user avatar
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NSViewController subclass object is loaded, but its widgets are not loaded into its NSView

I have created a custom view that is intended to be loaded in some different windows. ActionWidgets is a subclass of NSViewController, complete with its own xib file and its own widget contents. In a ...
lpetrich's user avatar
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NSView drawrect flicker

I am using NSView as a digital display screen. When I invoke [display setNeedsDisplay:YES] The view's drawrect function seems to entirely clear the view before redrawing it contents. This results in ...
exception's user avatar
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Mouse Cursor on Layered NSView Cocoa

I have few views, some are siblings, and some are subviews. I need to have different Mouse Cursors. It works if I have only one view. But as soon as I move to overlapped view or a subview, the ...
Anoop Vaidya's user avatar
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