N Compjuterspil of Video-Spil is n Spil, wierbie die Spieler interaktiv beleeken is mäd n Gamepad, wiertruch ne visuelle Interaktion ap dät Bieldskerm kumt. Et rakt ferscheedene Mediums, wiermäd man n Compjuterspil spielje kon. Fröier kuud dät mäd n Spilcompjuter of n persöönelke Compjuter, un dät wäd uk spield mäd PDA's, Handy's un litje dreegboare Spilcompjutere.
Bie näie kommerzielle Spiele is dät Wichtichste dät visuelle Effekt fon dät Spil. Microsoft (mäd ju Xbox) un Sony (mäd ju Playstation) sunt gjucht bekoand. Bie uur Spiele is ju Äntwikkelenge fon bloot dät Spieljen wichtich (Gameplay).
Ne Uursicht fon Compjuterspiele mäd Biespiele fon bekoante Tittele:
First person shooter (FPS) |
Aliens versus Predator, America's Army, Call Of Duty, Counter-Strike, Doom, Duke Nukem, Far Cry Half-Life, Medal Of Honor, No One Lives Forever, Quake, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Unreal, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Third person shooter (TPS) |
Tomb Raider, Splinter Cell, Grand Theft Auto, Max Payne, Mercenaries, The Godfather: The Game, James Bond
Arcade |
Tetris, Pong, Arkanoid, Pac-Man, Wii Sports
Minigames-samlungen |
WarioWare, Mario Party, Wii Play, Game & Watch, Sega Genesis Collection, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz, EyeToy
Koartenspil |
Patience (Solitaire), Freecell, Hearts, Spider
Sälskupspil |
Doamespieljen, Schachjen, Risk, Stratego, Domino
Puzzle |
Tetris, Bejeweled, Lemmings, Reversi, Actionloop, Lumines
Role playing game (RPG) |
Final Fantasy, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Dungeons & Dragons, The Elder Scrolls, Fable, Jade Empire
Asheron's Call, Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Guild Wars, Lineage2, Ultima Online, World of Warcraft, Tibia, Runescape, FLYFF, PlaneShift, Omerta, Warhammer Online
Real-time strategy (RTS) |
Warcraft, Command & Conquer, Age of Empires, Acts of War, Empire Earth, Dune
Turn-based strategy (TBS) |
Civilization, Total War, X-com, Advance Wars, Fire Emblem, The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
Adventure: |
Leisure Suit Larry, King's Quest, The Legend of Zelda, Atlantis, Myst, Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island, Beyond Good & Evil, Fahrenheit
Platfoarmspil |
Rayman, Crash Bandicoot, Super Mario Bros., Jazz Jackrabbit, Sonic the Hedgehog, Banjo Kazooie, Super Monkey Ball
Ränspil |
Need for Speed, Colin McRae Rally, Gran Turismo, Crash Team racing
Simulation |
The Sims, SimCity, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Animal Crossing, BAHN, Zoo Tycoon, Theme Park
Sport |
NBA Live, Madden NFL, Virtua Tennis, Top Spin, Pro Evolution Soccer, FIFA, Hattrick, Football Manager
Beat'em up |
Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, Dead Or Alive, DragonBall Z