View details for an account in your team or organization

This is a preview release of the AppSheet Admin Console. It is being rolled out gradually to AppSheet Enterprise Plus accounts. See product launch stages. Preview offerings are intended for use in test environments only. This feature is not recommended for use in production apps.

To view details for an AppSheet account in your team or organization, open the Accounts page and click the user name in the list. In addition, you can click the user name for an AppSheet account in your team or organization anywhere it appears in the Admin Console to view the account details.

The Account details page opens.

Account details page

The Account details page allows you to do the following:

In addition, you can transfer ownership of the apps and AppSheet databases for the account, if necessary.

View details for the account

At the top of the Account details page, view the following details for the AppSheet account:

Account detail Description
Team  Team the AppSheet account belongs to. See Define your team membership.

Subscription license assigned to the AppSheet account. For more information, see How to choose a subscription.

Licensing model

Licensing model used to provision the AppSheet Enterprise Plus license. Can be one of the following:

  • Assigned licensing when license is assigned in the Google Admin console
  • Team licensing when access is by customer's verified domain

See How AppSheet Enterprise Plus licenses are provisioned

Auth provider Provider used to authenticate AppSheet sign-ins. See Require sign-in: The Essentials.
Last active Date of last sign-in to app or app editor by AppSheet account.

View details for apps owned by the account

Under Apps, click Owned to view the following details for apps owned by the account:

App detail Description
App name

App name. 

Click the app name to view details for the app

Users Number of users, both internal and external to your team or organization, that have accessed the app in the last 30 days.

Series of icons that indicate the status of the app, including one or more of the following:
green check mark - App is runnable

 - App is not runnable

 - App is prototype

Status icon indicating app is deployed - App is deployed

Status icon indicating app is secure - App is secure (requires sign-in)

Status icon indicating app is not secure - App is not secure (doesn't require sign-in)

 - App is marked for personal use

Last modified Date the app was last modified by app owner (this account) or co-author.

View details for apps used by the account

Under Apps, click Used to view the following details for apps used by the account: 

App detail Description
App name

App name. 

For apps owned by a member of your team or organization, you can click the app name to view details for the app

App owner

Owner of the app.

For app owners that are in your team or organization, you can click app owner name to view the details for the account.

Auth provider Provider used to authenticate AppSheet sign-ins. See Require sign-in: The Essentials.
App type

Type of app. Can be one of the following:

  • Internal when the app belongs to the team or organization
  • External app when a member of your team or organization uses an app that doesn't belong to the team or organization
License required Minimum license required to use the app based on its features.
Last access Date that this account last accessed the app. 

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