About campaign groups

Use campaign groups in the new Search Ads 360

A campaign group is a set of campaigns that share a key performance indicator. Campaign groups are helpful for organizing multiple campaigns with similar goals in a plan.

A campaign group can contain any combination of Search and Shopping campaigns from any of the supported advertising platforms as long as the campaigns use the same currency.

Campaign groups in plans

Add campaign groups to plans to help you:

  • Set performance targets to designate numerical goals shared by all campaigns in a campaign group.
  • Monitor campaign-group performance to know whether you’re on track to meet your performance targets. If not, you may consider adjusting your plan settings.
  • Automate spend and allocations by applying a budget bid strategy in the plan.


  • A campaign can belong to only one campaign group at a time.
  • Campaign groups are optional—not every campaign must belong to a campaign group. A campaign group is required in a plan.
  • Any campaign using a shared budget cannot be added to a campaign group.
  • Removing a campaign from a campaign group will remove its performance data from the plan.
  • Campaign groups are no longer visible when a plan has a budget bid strategy enabled. The campaign group will appear, when the budget bid strategy is disabled.

Create campaign groups

You can create campaign groups in Bidding and Planning when you're creating a plan or you can create them on the "Campaigns" page. Learn how to Create a campaign group

Report on campaign groups

To view the performance metrics associated with a campaign group:

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a manager or sub-manager account.
  3. In the left page menu, click Bidding & Planning.
  4. Click Campaign groups in the sub-menu, then click a campaign-group name.

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