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Barbara Larkin

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Barbara Larkin is a human from the Marvel portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
The Gentlelady from Washington calls Hawk's motion into order.

Barbara Larkin, born in September of 1949, is an influential, ambitious, and beloved United States Senator. Responsible for political maneuvering that culminated in the realization of a technological dream, Power Station Alpha, she hopes to usher in a new age of energy independence. Or so she prefers people to believe, for everyone's sake.


Marvel The Transformers comics

One way or another, Barbara Larkin came in contact with Cobra and made a deal with them. She would have a new type of power station designed and built. Though the power station would inherently not be a good idea because of the destructive potential it would have if it would make its way into the wrong hands, the project would get money to Larkin's home state and generate a good number of jobs. Cobra's task then was to steal and destroy the power station, covering Larkin's tracks. What Cobra would get out of this is unknown, but because the power station had always been intended to be destroyed, the architects, in league with Larkin, had not taken proper fail-safes or substantial precautions in the design, leaving Power Station Alpha with considerable weaknesses. Ashes, Ashes...

Though many opposed the project, Larkin's insistence managed to convince the necessary majority of the project's benefits. Alpha was assembled at Fort Lewis, in the later stages under protection of G.I. Joe. A day before the power station's first test launch, Larkin and three congressmen were escorted to Fort Lewis by Hawk. Larkin and Hawk hit it off well, with Hawk complimenting her on her achievement and taking her side when two of the congressmen expressed their continued skepticism regarding the safety of Alpha. Not long thereafter, the Dreadnoks Ripper, Torch, and Buzzer broke into the facility to steal Power Station Alpha on their own, having tired of waiting for Cobra Commander's order for an organized theft. Larkin was personally brought to safety by Hawk, who along with the rest of G.I. Joe then chased off the Dreadnoks.

"What was that?" Look, Barb, you've obviously done this before.

The next day, Bumblebee had to reveal his robot self when a young boy almost got crushed by Alpha. As the Joes worried about the damage they might cause to Alpha if they fought the robot, Larkin tried to manipulate G.I. Joe into destroying the power station by insisting that that would be a better option than to let if fall into wrong hands. So, the Joes shot Bumblebee to pieces and then had to deal with Superion when he came looking for his comrade. Blood on the Tracks

Brought to safety with Hawk and the congressmen somewhere in Fort Lewis, Larkin saw off Hawk when he returned to lead the Joes against Superion. She returned to her room inside the military base, where she was later visited by Hawk. She practically dragged him in for a makeout session, which he certainly didn't object to. Whatever they had in mind for the afternoon, it stayed at first base because Power Station Alpha got stolen. Fortunately for Larkin, Hawk at least stayed at Fort Lewis to coordinate the retrieval mission. The G.I. Joe aircraft came to a clash with the Cobra fleet that had comes to escort Alpha, coincidentally nearby a cruise ship. The Cobra pilots threatened to destroy the ship if they weren't allowed to leave, giving Larkin again an opportunity to try to get the Joes to destroy Power Station Alpha. She insisted the lives of those civilians were more important, but that they also couldn't let Cobra take Alpha with them. Hawk disagreed with her solution, stating that destroying Alpha meant exposing those same civilians to the radioactive plutonium fallout and that since it was his primary task to ensure the safety of the power station, he wouldn't give up Alpha so easily. Therefore, he agreed to let Cobra take Alpha with them for the time being. Power Struggle

Cobra members actually show up on camera?

Barbara Larkin returned to Washington, D.C. to attend a hearing regarding investigations into the actual safety of the Power Station Alpha project. When it was over, she was accosted by the press, but left them with the remark that she had an important appointment. Larkin had Terence drive her to The Cavalier to meet with the Baroness, her liaison with Cobra. Larkin expressed her anger over Cobra's failure to destroy Alpha, but Baroness calmly pointed out that the whole operation had always been a risk, that she had known that from the start and that G.I. Joe was the only party to blame. Larkin left to her hotel room then, unaware her meeting had been observed by an agent of the Pentagon. Merely an hour or so later, he presented the evidence at a meeting at the Pentagon that Hawk was attending too, definitely proving the claims that Larkin was in on Power Station Alpha's faulty design. Still, Hawk wanted to hear it from her personally, so he went to Larkin's hotel room, demanding the truth. Her silence and tears were all the answer he needed—enraged about her betrayal, he left. Ashes, Ashes...

All Fall Down Barbara Larkin dies.jpg

About a day later, some hours after the destruction of Power Station Alpha, Barbara Larkin was arrested. Hawk was present, his anger diminished considerably after his realization that Larkin had only been trying to help people. This at least gave the two one last look at each other before a Cobra gunman shot her dead, aged 37, for being a "loose end". Hawk later mourned and left a rose on her grave. ...All Fall Down!

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