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Crown City Museum of Natural History and Sciences

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WWOD Crown City Museum of Natural History and Sciences.jpg

Crown City Museum of Natural History and Sciences, located in sunny Crown City, has all manner of exhibits on topics such as American history, the natural world, and space. It may or may not have animatronic robots.


2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

After a stasis pod was discovered, it was taken to the museum to be studied and possibly opened. The Autobots got wind of it, and Denny Clay concocted a plan whereby he infiltrated the museum in the guise of noted explorer "Nevada Flieber", letting the Autobots in the back and pulling the fire alarm to clear the museum. The team duly started hunting through the museum, and Russell Clay found the pod, just as Terrashock broke free of it. The resulting chase wrecked several of the museums exhibits and damaged the front entrance. Bumblebee was also almost exposed as an alien, but Denny and Russell covered by claiming he was a new animatronic exhibit. Mercifully for the exhibits, Terrashock eventually left the museum and the Autobots later captured him. W.W.O.D.?

When a scientific expedition unearthed a cache of Shanix (that had been lost by Crustacion) in the Antarctic, the "evidence of an ancient lost civilization" was sent to be displayed at the museum. Concerned that it would be linked to them, the Autobots planned to 'retrieve' the Cybertronian currency, but before they could do so Shadow Raker - tipped off by a pretending-to-turn-coat Slipstream - arrived to claim the money. Following his defeat the Autobots safely removed the Shanix from the museum. Out of the Shadows

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