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RenegadeRhetoric Farewell Dactyl.jpg

Dactyls are animals.




Despite the Diaspora, several Dactyls remained in their home universe. Cultural Appropriation

Renegade Rhetoric

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Echoes and Fragments

In an altered reality, the Master Renegade on Antares III fed Crank and Cut-Up to the Dactyls, who replaced the Sharkticons of the normal timeline. Echoes and Fragments


  • Dactyl would have been released by Tonka in the third series of GoBots, and was a friction-powered stylised bird that did not convert. Naturally, the toy concept came too late for Dactyl to appear in the Challenge of the GoBots cartoon.

External links

GBwikilogo.png GBwiki has content relating to Dactyl.
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