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The name or term "Fang" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Fang (disambiguation).
Fang is a Decepticon from the Generation 1 continuity family
Fang is the one acting like a jerk.

Fang is a jerk, an "asshole" if you will. He likes to go into bars and beat up innocent piano Transformer guys because they don't play the music he wants.

His alternate mode is unknown.



Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Fang appeared exclusively in the UK portion of the Marvel Comics continuity.
Furious that the name Spike was already taken.

Fang entered Maccadam's Old Oil House in a bad mood. Annoyed that the piano was not playing the music he wanted he started beating the machine up with his pile driver hand, and demanded the poor bot call him "sir", firing a laser from his foot. He beat the piano transformer up some more, then asked if anyone else wanted to take him on.

Twin Twist did. It didn't go too well for Fang after that point, as the Wrecker easily beat him to a pulp. Target: 2006

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

Shortly before Soundwave's Neo-Decepticon uprising, Fang led a group of malcontents in blockading a bridge on Cybertron. He nearly came to blows with the Wreckers' leader Kup while above, Spinister monitored and reported the situation back to Soundwave who used the distraction to knock out Autobot communication facilities. Destiny, Part Two

2005 IDW continuity

The dastardly villains escaping their bonds!

Fang was a member of the Decepticons' elite group of killers, Squadron X. He lost his voice when Impactor destroyed his vocal processor during the Wreckers' attack on Styx. Afterward, he communicated via a very brutal form of sign language. Fang's Squadron X profile

Fang and his teammates had a long-standing feud with the Wreckers, until they were ultimately captured by Impactor's crew. Then they... escaped their bonds... and had to be executed by the Autobot strike team. Last Stand of the Wreckers #4 They certainly weren't murdered, helpless in chains, by Impactor. Last Stand of the Wreckers #5

Wings Universe

Fang was present during Squadron X's campaign against the Wreckers on Frellus IV. Using his cudgel, he brutalized the Hasmata, a group of Autobot supporters who were attempting to bring supplies to the Wreckers. Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur, 2014/05/15

Later, still as part of Squadron X, Fang invaded Torax Prime. When the expected Wrecker reaction never came, Fang was the first to tire of waiting. Macabre, not allowing any insubordination, tortured Fang to death and gave the parts to Ferak. Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur, 2014/04/21


Transformers Roleplaying Game

Fang was a guard at the Styx penal colony. Decepticon Directive


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Fang (ファング Fangu)
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