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Star Wars (film)

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The name or term "Star Wars" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Star Wars (disambiguation).

Star Wars is a film, presumably chronicling the Star Wars. It premiered on May 25, 1977, at Grauman's Chinese Theatre.



Marvel The Transformers comics

Movie director Rollie Friendly believed his film, Monster from Mars, would be "bigger than Star Wars". Monstercon from Mars!

The Big Broadcast of 2006

In the UK version of the story, the events of "The Big Broadcast of 2006" are a fabrication invented by Wreck-Gar.

In an alternate future, the Junkion Wreck-Gar declared "Star Wars... nothing but Star Wars!" as Junkion was attacked by many spaceships. The Big Broadcast of 2006

Sector Seven ARG

Reggie Simmons and John Ho attended the premiere of Star Wars. Sector Seven


External links

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