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Talon (RB)

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The name or term "Talon" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Talon (disambiguation).
Talon is an Autobot Mini-Con from the Rescue Bots portion of the Aligned continuity family.
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Talon the Eagle-Bot is a Mini-Con who is a member of the Rock Rescue Team, along with Hunter, Bumblebee, and Cody Burns.


Rescue Bots

  • Bumblebee Rock Rescue Team (2017)
Talon (RB).jpg
Talon is a robotic eagle with articulation at his hips. His wings are removable and can clip onto the back of the Cody Burns figure also included with this set and act as a glider pack. Talon can combine with parts of Hunter to create a griffin.
Talon and the others in this set showed up in stores before any announcements from Hasbro.
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