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(Transcluded documentation: view)
{{factions}} creates a small 30x30 clickable icon of a character's faction symbol to the right of the page title. Up to 10 icons can be created this way.[1]
Note: This template is based on an almost-identical template on Wookiepedia used to place "Era" icons in the titlebar.


Faction icon names

Faction names used by this template are lowercase. Any mis-typed text not recognized as the template will be rendered as text. (You will notice, it's hard to miss.)

To add additional names, first edit {{Factions/icons}} using the syntax described there, then add to this list.

Autobot autobot
Symbol autobot reg.png
Decepticon decepticon
Symbol decept reg.png
Optimus optimus
Optimus symbol.png
Malignus malignus
Malignus symbol.png
Quintesson quintesson
Quintesson symbol.png
War for Cybertron Quintesson quintessonwfc
Earthrise Quintesson insignia.png
Autobot Generation 2 autobotg2
Autobot G2 symbol factions template.png
Decepticon Generation 2 decepticong2
Cybertronian Generation 2 cybEmpireG2
Cybertron Alliance allianceg2
Maximal maximal
Maximal symbol.png
Predacon predacon
Predacon symbol.png
Maximal (Beast Machines) maximalbm
Maximal symbol bm.png
Vehicon vehicon
Vehicon symbol.png
Dinobot dinobot
Dinobots symbol.png
Mutant mutant
Mutants symbol.png
Wreckers wreckers
Wreckers symbol.png
Mini-Con minicon
Minicon symbol.png
Unicron-allied unicron
Unicron faction symbol.png
Unicron (faction) unicronfact
Unicron faction symbol.png
Blentron sub-group blentron
Blentron red.png
Velocitron velocitron
Cyber Key symbol Velocitron.png
Jungle Planet jungleplanet
Cyber Key symbol Jungle Planet.png
Earth cybearth
Cyber Key symbol Earth.png
Gigantion gigantion
Cyber Key symbol Gigantion.png
Ultracon ultracon
Ultracon symbol.png
Elite Guard eliteguard
Cyb Elite Guard Badge.png
Sector Seven sector7
Doctor Morocco drmorocco
Doctor Morocco logo.png
Autobot (TransTech) ttautobot
Transtech Autobot symbol.png
Decepticon (TransTech) ttdecepticon
Transtech Decepticon symbol.png
Autobot (Shattered Glass) sgAutobot
Autobot Shattered Glass.png
Decepticon (Shattered Glass) sgDecepticon
Decepticon Shattered Glass.png
G.I. Joe gijoe
Cobra cobra
EDC edc
EDC Symbol.png
First Transformers 1stTF
Myfirst symbol.png
Go-Bots go-bot1
Gobots auto symbol.png
Go-Bots go-bot2
Playschool Go-Bots G.png
Galactic Republic galacticrepublic
Republic Emblem.png
Rebel Alliance rebelalliance
Alliance Starbird.png
Empire empire
Imperial Emblem.png
NEST insignia.png
Unit:E unite
Unit E.png
Kiss Players Autobot kiss
Kiss autobot symbol.png
Kiss Players Decepticon kisscon
Kiss decepticon symbol.png
Protectors protectors
Protector Insignia.png
Hall of Fame inductees (real-life) hofgold
Hall of fame icon gold.png
Hall of Fame inductees (characters) hofsilver
Hall of fame icon silver.png
Star Seekers starseeker
Symbol star seeker reg.png
Lightning Strike Coalition lightningstrike
Predacon (Prime) predaconprime
Rescue Bots rescuebot
RescueBots cartoon insignia.png
Ammonite ammonite
KSI ksi
Autobird autobird
Autobird symbol factions template.png
Deceptihog deceptihog
Deceptihog symbol factions template.png
Functionist Council functionist
Functionist council insignia.png
Animorph animorph
Toys"R"Us TRU
Cybertronian Knights knight
Cybertron Knights.png
Combatron combatron
Cyber Key Combatron.png
Offworlder Zone Security Administration ozsa
Ozsa badge.png
Team Stunticon teamstunticon
Stunticon Symbol.jpg
Stunticon (Prime) primestunticon
Stunticon Symbol.jpg
Ghostbusters ghostbusters
Mercenary mercenary
Primus Vanguard primusvanguard
Primus Vanguard Insignia.png
Straxus straxus
Straxus Insignia.png
Wreckers (IDW) wreckersidw
Terrorcon (ROTB) terrorcon
Terrorcon symbol.png
Mayhem Attack Squad mayhem
Obsolete[2] autobotfilm
Symbol autobot reg.png
Obsolete[2] decepticonfilm
Symbol decept reg.png

Custom faction icons

There are some characters who have their own faction symbol, (example: Moon) essentially used nowhere else. Rather than clutter the template with these, it is possible to declare a custom faction icon via the following format;

|custom=Moon symbol clean.png     -REQUIRED, filename of image
|cSize=30x30px     -Optional, maximum size of image.
|cLink=Celestial     -REQUIRED, Page the image links to.
|cPretty=Celestials     -Optional, mouseover text.  Will use the link if not supplied.
This is, in turn, included along with the other non-custom tags.
|{{factions/icons|custom=Moon symbol clean.png|cLink=Celestial|cPretty=Celestials}}

General considerations

As of this writing (Mar-28-19) this is the only template on TFWiki that requires Javascript to function. The icons in question are created within a non-rendering <div> tag, which is then copied into the titlebar when the page finishes loading. As a result, the template doesn't HAVE to be at the page... but by convention it always should be. Between 0.5 - 1.0% of internet surfers have either disabled Javascript or access the internet in a way that does not support it. Those users will not be able to see these faction icons. These faction icons are intended to serve as a convenient visual shorthand for information already in the article, and are not a primary means of communicating that information. Any information presented by these icons should also be present in the article text.

Technical notes

  • The Javascript function associated with this template is called showFactions().
  • The non-rendering <div> has an id of "title-factionicons." There is a single CSS rule associated with this ID-- causing the <imagemap> <div>s to render inline rather than as blocks.
  • The "custom" imagemaps use "#tag: syntax" to allow parameters to be passed to them. (Don't think this will ever have to be edited.)
  • The icons themselves are generated by the "Template:Factions/icons" sub-page.


  • The development process of this template included a truly spectacular recursion error that knocked the entire wiki offline as its stack overflowed, repeatedly and we think corrupted link-table entries that couldn't be resolved without deleting the whole thing and starting from scratch. That is why the current version of the template exists in a 'dumb' (non-recursive) form. Bad Derik!'


  1. 10 is an arbitrary number. Arbitrary-length MediaWiki templates like this are generally encouraged to have no more than 20 parameters though. And really... if a character has more than 10 factions, the icons cease to communicate information and simply become noise.
  2. 2.0 2.1 These template texts are obsolete. Please use the standard "autobot" and "decepticon" texts.
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