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Umbral Blaster

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The combined form of the Deep Space Mini-Con Team, the Umbral Blaster is a powerful cannon, easily among the most powerful weapons in the Decepticon-allied Mini-Cons' arsenal.



Cybertron comic

Whilst protecting a giant cannon constructed on an asteroid near Cybertron, the Deep Space Team combined into the Umbral Blaster to fight Sentinel Maximus. As the Autobot jumped out of the way, the blaster's beam only damaged his left shoulder and almost blew up the nearby Skyfall and Landquake instead. Revelations Part 5

Ask Vector Prime

When asked if the killer in Clue was a Transformer, Vector Prime responded that Brimstone with the Umbral Blaster on Gigantion might know. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/05/19



  • Scrap Iron vs Grindor (Mini-Con 2-pack, 2006)
  • Backblast vs Sureshock (Mini-Con 2-pack, 2006)
  • Blastcharge vs High Wire (Mini-Con 2-pack, 2006)
The Umbral Blaster combines the three Mini-Cons Scrap Iron, Backblast, and Blastcharge into a cannon form that can be held by most Transformers who use 5mm mounting points. The toy is a redeco of the Space Mini-Con Team and their Requiem Blaster form, but could only be assembled with the purchase of three different Mini-Con vs. packs.
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