Latest Releases
Groove On (The Deep-House Society), Vol. 3
Ibiza People, Spicy Patt, Audio 77, Martha Flex, Club Sonique, Night Players, Looking Vision, Spuma Beach, Santos Pasha, Hasty Lullaby, Benny Gooding, Widows Tongue, Karol March, Roco Jazz, Invaders from Jupiter, Ron Virgin, K Zone, Stephane Gee, Love Cascade, Mandarin Temptations, Second Floor, City Beats, Paul Brody, The House Ensemble, Thomas Garner, Ashleigh Bublé, Modell & Mercier, Fashion Lovers, Cactus Club, Cliff Palmer, Solo Lounge, Deep Flowers, Soulful Vex, Alex Fowler, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Dream Lovers, Sumasutra, Promo Diva, Norman Green, Manolo Crick, Fine Deep, Surrogate Religion
Deep and Love, Vol. 3
Subsonic Aura, DGN, Steve Riley, Widows Tongue, Steven Lukas, Leo Pard, Karl Debeer, The Guardian, Paul Brody, Kobra, Matt Fennon, Golden Sun, Saucy Journey, Anikandro Santapopulos, Harley Johnson, Simply Fault, Yves Roquebrune, Desk Of Scarred, Jay Morgan, Troy Sawyer, Sander Mason, Downhill Steroid, Sonic Dreams, Proof Clamour, Alejandro Perez, Moover, Blackman, Steven Noir, Florence Cono, Slow Soul
Love Deep-House, Vol. 3
Franky Mandragora, Oscar Pedderson, Weekend Warriors, Seamus Jordan, City Beats, Blonde Circle, Oceanus, Gold Jazz, Mark Falcon, Roberto Rich, NYC Players, Frank Fee, Grey Club, Harry Ashton, Jeff Playa, Zippy Priority, Blue Terrace, Ramos Germain, Flying Rage, Channel settings, Exotic Twilight, Jungle Run, Delirious Bird, The Selfies, Marlon Grey, Smiling People, Paul Brody, Doug Dymo, Steven Vax, Level Of Encore
Deep Inside, Vol. 1 (The Deep-House Experience)
Torres Pueblo, Widows Tongue, NYC Players, Simon Says, The Guys, Paul Brody, Spicy Patt, Revolving Hamster, Funkadeluxe, Subsonic Aura, Ismael Lasgon, Tyson McIntosh, Jay Florres, Lasse Kjeldsen, Desk Of Scarred, Seamus Jordan, Jason Jinx, Yves St. Claire, Jay Morgan, Mandragora, New Attitude, Tickling Earth, Martin Sayz, Troy Sawyer, Piano Lovers, Ken Tay, Larry Derallo, The Guardian, Paul Stinner, Stereo Kill, Prophetic Solid, Harley Johnson, Limmatt Quai, Ricky Jones, DGN, Steven Noir, Martin Sarrin, Louis Camberra, Ralf Harris, Slow Soul
Deep-House Rockets, Vol. 2
Saucy Journey, Paul Moana, Hotel 555, Carl Kissinger, DGN, Inline Crack, Torres Pueblo, Lorentz Masser, Jay Morgan, Yves St. Claire, Exotic Twilight, NYC Players, Sander Armando, Samuel Farris, Widows Tongue, The Simian Shocker, Revolving Hamster, Frozen Reverie, Simon Says, Neat Recipe, The Guys, Paul Brody, Doug Dymo, Spicy Patt, Paradise Boutique, Funkadeluxe, Deep Moon Lovers, Private Service, Mark Taylor, C Shop, 4th Eye, Sonic Dreams, Prophetic Solid, Marley Banks, Colin Stuart Blawton, Peter Garcia, Black Sunglasses, Steven Lukas, Jason Jinx, Sonic Joiners
Deep-House Themes, Vol. 1
Torres Pueblo, Samoa Beach, Sander Armando, Frankie Half, NYC Players, Golden Sun, Samuel Farris, James Fever, Widows Tongue, Abstract Dreams, The Simian Shocker, Saucy Journey, Revolving Hamster, Solide State, Frozen Reverie, Jaque Lee, Simon Says, Lunatic Youth, Neat Recipe, Official Plastic, The Guys, Downhill Steroid, Exotic Twilight, Paul Moana, Paul Brody, Danny Hay, Lora, Sonique Masters, Patrick Bee, Doug Dymo, Paul Smith, Spicy Patt, Zen Beat, Paradise Boutique, Nathan James, Funkadeluxe, Steve Riley, Submarina, Aura 22, Deep Moon Lovers, Club Princess
Kings of Ibiza (30 Deep House Anthems), Vol. 4
Elton Dumont, Seamus Jordan, Audrey Langston, The Selfies, Dirty Brothers, Channel settings, Hairy Orchard, Zippy Priority, High Class, Flying Rage, Fader Of Cruise, Exotic Twilight, Antique California, Jungle Run, Delirious Bird, Alpha Carpet, Marlon Grey, The House Ensemble, Smiling People, Ken Tay, Weekend Warriors, Tedd Easy, Paul Brody, Invert Of Playground, Level Of Encore, Peter Abelsen, Harry Ashton, Steven Lukas, Doug Dymo
Getting Deep, Vol. 4
Oceanus, Lenny London, Soul Friends, Blonde Circle, Steven Vax, Frank McLaughlin, Melanie Johnson, Invert Of Playground, Blackman, Beat Essence, Antoine Seranuit, City Beats, Paul Brody, The House Ensemble, Thomas Garner, Sebastien Delattre, Dream Lovers, Oscar Pedderson, Sumasutra, Promo Diva, Norman Green, Manolo Crick
House Of Love, Vol. 6
Cool Grooves Ensemble, Pascal Herrano, Edward Abraham, Kan Guru, Patrick Vee, Jackson Brown, Patrick Amster, Amanda Lovers, Martin Morgan, Jeff Carlton, Frank Marshall, Doug Dymo, Grey Club, Steven Lukas, Marlon Grey, The House Ensemble, Paul Brody, Emerald Coast, Ken Tay, Fashion Masters, Anthony Smith, Frank Fee, Tedd Easy, Sunflowers, High Class
The HOUSE Phenomena - 50 Sexy Tracks, Vol. 7
Danny Tee, Xavier Verdon, Daniel Curley, Stereo Kill, Level Of Encore, Justin Wittle, Alexander Del Rio, Simon Blackmore, David Ayres, Finley Marsden, Gene Axton, Audrey Langston, Steven Porter, Jerome Norton, Deep Night Beats, Sebastien Delattre, Dream Lovers, Dominique Dalamont, Tommie Woods, Florence Kay, Mark Falcon, Roberto Rich, Patrick Bee, Radical Razors, Jungle Run, Antique California, Harry Ashton, Invert Of Playground, Doug Dymo, Steven Lukas, Ken Tay, Paul Brody, Tedd Easy, The House Ensemble, Marlon Grey, Seamus Jordan, Weekend Warriors, Peter Abelsen, Exotic Twilight, Fader Of Cruise, Flying Rage, Hairy Orchard, Dirty Brothers, Channel settings, Alpha Carpet, The Selfies, Delirious Bird, Zippy Priority