Strace DJ / Producer of the Tech House genre, starting as a DJ in 2012 and as a producer in 2019, his songs and productions are many oriented with urban and rap vocals since his great influences as a boy were them. In his beginnings as a DJ career, he went through big nightclubs in Buenos Aires such as Bahrein, Kika, Sunset, Esperanto, Club Zone, Pinar de Rocha and countless private events, whether Outdoor or Indoor, sharing a booth with great references such as Festa Bross, D&D, Gabin, Abel Meyer, J. P. Sgalia, Muter, Kasem, Camila Diaz, etc. Over the years, he began to internalize his own productions to find his own style in his presentations, thus closing several songs on international labels such as Barbecue Records (Australia), Klubasic Records (Italy), Plasmapool (Germany), Disco Groove Records (Brazil),