Latest Releases
Deep House Addicted 10
Ministers Of House, Nick Morris, Daniele Tignino, Anthony Romeno, Jamie Lewis, Alfred Azzetto, Tommy Boccuto, Tignino Daniele, Deepshakers, Selva Basaran, Andrea T. Mendoza, Alex Avenue, The Jackson Twinz, Mod, Staffan Thorsell, Simon Green, Kristof Tigran, Seamus Norv, Jessie Wagner, John Soulution, O.B., Ron Lensi, Sea N Soul, Menoosha, Claborg, SLAMTWISTED, Smoke Balls
There Is Soul In My House: Purple Music All Stars 25
Jamie Lewis, DJ Pippi, Kim Cooper, Alfred Azzetto, Mod, Staffan Thorsell, Simon Green, Daniele Tignino, Tignino Daniele, Anthony Romeno, Walterino, Juan Di Lago, Andrea Love, MODUS, Nadyne Rush, Durante & Altieri, Groovemaster K., Junior Mikey, Lisamay, antonic, Iaco, Sea N Soul, Smoke Balls, Kristof Tigran, Selva Basaran, The Dukes, Plaster Hands