CES CASTRO Co owner and vibes curator of @nocturnalcr & @faceblind. // Resident Dj, Art Director & Marketing Manager at Club Vertigo // Creator of @hitsdiferent & BASSement Groove. Born in San Jose, Cesar Castro starts his musical career in the beginning of the 2005. Influenced initially by house and techno, his technical skills, ability to connect with the crowd and he’s diverse musical style has made him one of the most active and versatile DJ ́s in Costa Rica as well as a warm up specialist in the country and resident in the most important clubs of San José:. Club Vertigo and Antik with his signature party BASSement Groove. Over the past 5 years Ces Castro has shared turntables with different top level Djs as Nic Fanciulli, Nicole Moudaber, Lee