Giota Gratsani, known as Elysian (GR), hails from the picturesque town of Trikala, Greece, where her musical journey began. From a young age, she delved into the world of music, starting with Music Theory and Guitar lessons. Her drumming skills are entirely self-taught, showcasing her natural talent and dedication. However, it was the realm of electronic music that truly ignited her passion. Giota's commitment to her craft led her to complete DJing school in 2019, followed by a Music Production course in 2020. Her talent quickly garnered recognition, with her initial releases soaring to the top 10 of Beatport's techno peak time chart, with the highest spot at No. 3. As a DJ, Giota captivates audiences with her eclectic blend of Afro House, Melodic House, Deep House, Progressive, and Techno.