RANEK is 26 years old DJ/Producer from Budapest, making and studying music for 8 years. He's main genre is Electro- house/Midtempo. He's songs can be defined as cinematic electronic dance music inspired by the world of cyberpunk. The key elements of his songs are the heavy hitting orchestral, dubstep drums combined with heavily distorted synths and vocals.
Latest Releases
Psichedelia Liquida 2
Bebetta, Luis Junior, Danny Serrano, Smash TV, Jonas Weil, Dark Matter, Raffy Peyre, Tantra, Huilen Avellaneda, Obrotka, Dany Holm, Zieze, Dennis Keim, RANEK, Andrew Sommer, Resurrection, MoonkiZa, Amp93, JCS Charte, Rockets, Krink, Hendrik Omun, Carranco, Neil Richter, Martin Haber, Lucks, Andrea Ghirotti, Mr. Mojo (DE), Zphyre
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