In the vibrant nightlife of Madrid, Alfonso Ares discovered his passion for electronic music. Over two decades in the industry, he has refined his skills and developed a unique sound, becoming a respected artist and a go-to producer for fresh productions that constantly push the boundaries of his musical genres. Ares' signature style, rooted in the New York "Nite Grooves" sound, has earned him recognition from fellow producers and industry leaders. His music has been released on renowned labels such as Akbal, Redolent, Inward, Perspectives Digital, Suprematic, Polyptych Ltd, Street King, Lapsus Music, Highway Records, Animo, and VIVa MUSiC, showcasing his versatility and commitment to electronic music. His expertise and knowledge of diverse musical styles have allowed him to produce remixes for renowned international artists like Timo Maas, Kellerkind, Darin