David Demétrio, known as "DMITRY" is a DJ/Producer of Electronic Music, more specifically Techno/Tech-House. He was born on July 3, 1991, in the city of Barreiro, Setúbal, Portugal. 2018 - He started his career in the music world when he took the Deejay Course at the BeatbyBeat Store. He also attended a Music Production Course, this time at Mastering Lisboa, who gives him a Music Producer Certificate. He've joined a music artists agency called Inthemix, where he officially made his debut as a DJ. 2019 - It was considered by the newspaper "O Setubalense" as a young promise of electronic music. 2020 - Have released his best known track "Black Hole" on the Portuguese Label Rhythm Records, on the Special Album "One Year Celebration of Rhythm Records". DMITRY releases his first Techno album "My Religion" on the

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