Aquarius Ezra, a budding young producer, discovered his passion for creating music at the tender age of 13. Prior to his electronic music journey, he honed his musical skills as a member of student choirs, nurturing a deep appreciation for harmonies and melodies. Currently in a phase of artistic exploration, Aquarius Ezra is on a quest to define his unique musical identity. Embracing the dual roles of producer and vocalist, he intricately weaves his own distinct voice into his compositions, infusing his music with a personal touch. With a relentless dedication to pushing creative boundaries, Aquarius Ezra is poised to make an indelible mark on the music industry, captivating audiences with his innovative sound and heartfelt lyricism.
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Best Melodic & Progressive House 2024
Nihil Young, Martyre, Taylan, ODYSSAY, Indifferent Guy, REVOL(ofc), Helen&Boys, Avrix, Greenjack, N3UX, Double Disco, Eemoz, VESCA, Karry G, Andrewboy, Nigel Stately, Boosin, Eryc Karezza, Utōpia, Suit&Panda, ONEN, Antai, Jules, Aquarius Ezra, Skuro (IT), Peter Illias, UnknownS, Etayo, Manu Cerasa, Civil Servant, DCW, Zambelli, LAMAS (BR), Delux Twins, Rass (BR), Eleene, Lewis Blaze, Krismi, AYU (UA)
Origins VA
Martin Mind, Unseen., Sesli, MESH (SA), Black Box (DE), The Real Carter, Far Distance, LORENZO TURCO, Brodie Nero, Aquarius Ezra, Resiliens, Dj Lane, SH.AH, LITCHI, Ashton Gartner, BDC, ELI DAVID, Victoria RAY, Thiago Kruse, Jane Vanderbilt, Dayah Modo, Giorgio Carini, Pink Bunny, TPSY, K:77, Haze-M, Krumm & Schief, Eve, Tumzz, Tonino
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