Jack Roy, affectionately known by his colleagues as "Uncle Roy," is a multi-instrumentalist from Santa Barbara with a knack for adding his unique groovy twist to Southern California’s dance floors. He has come into his own in writing and production, drawing audiences of many different musical tastes. When Ol' Roy is in the hot seat, one should expect to find themselves on a groovtastic voyage sprung with sexy bass lines, smooth house rhythms and smiles across the dancefloor.
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COLOR FUNK Compilation
Angelo Ferreri, Nicola Agostinelli, Samo, Art Of Tones, Foo Funkers, Music P, Marque Aurel, Discoslap, LO COCO, Cøhen, Moon Rocket, LauMii, Soledrifter, Tommie Cotton, Alex Rai, Block & Crown, Kaippa, Daniel Dash, Adam Twelve, Deeprule, Makito, Fuzzy Hair, Hideo Kobayashi, Jaidene Veda, Fuminori Kagajo, Cityboy from Seoul, Peter Mac, HOTINGA, Jo Paciello, Akil Wingate, Alex Lo Faro, Brent Anthony, M.I.R, Caio Cenci, Domino DB, Animist, Hakan, Alessio Cala', DJ Vartan, Techcrasher, Lexx Groove, Tiny Blue, Davide Toschi, OL3VISION, Mr.Mala, Mary From The Oil, Oggie B, DJ PP, Jack Mood, Vanucci, White Sheep, Laurent Simeca, Greg N Grandi, Red Met, Lambert & Handle, Jack Roy, Mico Suave, Lila Poco, Sebb Junior, Sammy Deuce, Miqro, Dziubee, Kwu, Max Esposito, Mauri Fly, Yescene, Softpaw, Toscana, Danny Slim, Penya
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