Peccavimus cum patribus (Christopher Tye)

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  • (Posted 2022-07-08)  CPDL #69916:     
Editor: Jason Smart (submitted 2022-07-08).   Score information: A4, 25 pages, 382 kB   Copyright: CC BY NC ND
Edition notes: Edited from the Tudor manuscript sources. Original note values retained. Transposed up a tone to compensate for the low clefs and scored for SATTBarBB.
  • (Posted 2011-05-28)  CPDL #23620:     
Editor: Edward Tambling (submitted 2011-05-28).   Score information: A4, 20 pages, 150 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: In original key for SATTBarBB.
  • (Posted 2007-12-19)  CPDL #15691:   
Editor: Adam P. Cole (submitted 2007-12-19).   Score information: Letter, 16 pages, 334 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Sabine Cassola's original is set quite low, as is Edward Tambling's; this performing edition for SATTBarBB based on Sabine's version is notated up a major third for those who'd rather field complaints from trebles than basses. The Summerly/Oxford Camerata recording available on the Naxos label is sung at this pitch. Note values were also halved for readability. Beyond that, it has a few ficta alterations (conforming to Summerly's interpretation) and is condensed to 16 pages, US letter format.
  • (Posted 2004-10-07)  CPDL #11032:        (Finale 2000)
Editor: Sabine Cassola (submitted 2004-10-07).   Score information: A4, 18 pages, 388 kB    Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: Score revised July 27, 2006.

General Information

Title: Peccavimus cum patribus
Composer: Christopher Tye

Number of voices: 7vv   Voicing: SATTBBB, or SATTBarBB
Genre: SacredMotet

Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella

    Manuscript ca. 1575 in The Baldwin Partbooks, no. 120

External websites:

Original text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Peccavimus cum patribus nostris,
iniuste egimus, iniquitatem fecimus.
Tuæ tamen clementiæ
spe animati ad te supplices confugimus,
benignissime Jesu.
Qui ut omnia potes
ita omnibus te invocantibus
vere præsto es.
Respice itaque in nos infelices peccatores,
bonitas immensa.
Respice in nos ingratissimos miseros,
salus et misericordia publica;
nam despecti ad omnipotentem venimus,
vulnerati ad medicum currimus, deprecantes
ut non secundum peccata nostra facias
neque secundum iniquitates nostras retribuas nobis.
Quin potius misericordiæ tuæ antiquæ memor
pristinam clementiam serva,
ac mansuetudini adhibe incrementum
qui tam longanimiter suspendisti
ultionis gladium,
ablue innumerositatem criminum,
qui delectaris multitudine misericordiæ.
Ingere cordibus nostris
tui sanctissimum amorem,
peccati odium
ac cœlestis patriæ ardens desiderium,
quod magis ac magis crescere faciat
tua omnipotens bonitas. Amen.

English.png English translation

We have sinned like our fathers,
we have acted unfairly and done wrong.
But encouraged by the hope of your mercy
we hasten to you in supplication,
most kind Jesus.
Who, just as you can do all things,
so to all who pray to you
you are truly close.
Look kindly on us unhappy sinners,
O great goodness.
Look upon us ungrateful wretches,
O mercy and loving-kindness,
for we come downcast and in pain into your almighty presence;
wounded, we run to you for aid, begging
that you will not treat us according to our sins
neither repay us for our wickedness.
But rather remembering your long-standing compassion
continue your former mercy
and increase your gentleness
as for so long you have restrained
the sword of vengeance;
wash away our innumerable sins
as you delight in being merciful.
Fill our hearts
with most holy love for you,
a hatred of sin
and a burning desire for the heavenly kingdom:
may your all-powerful goodness make that desire
grow more and more. Amen.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

Wij hebben gezondigd evenals onze vaderen,
we hebben onrechtvaardig gehandeld en verkeerd gedaan.
Maar gedreven door hoop op jouw barmhartigheid
nemen we in smeekbede onze toevlucht tot jou,
liefste Jezus.
Jij, zoals je alles kunt,
wees er voor allen die je aanroepen.
Zie daarom om naar ons,
ongelukkige zondaars,
o, onmetelijke goedheid.
Zie om naar ons, ondankbaarste ellendelingen,
O heil en barmhartigheid voor allen;
want wij, verachtelijken, komen tot de almachtige,
als gewonden spoeden we ons naar de genezer, biddend,
dat hij ons niet behandelt naar onze zonden
noch onze misdaden vergeldt.
In plaats daarvan breng ik je liever je eerdere barmhartigheid in herinnering,
houd toch je vroegere goedertierenheid voor ogen
en toon je steeds vriendelijker;
jij die ons zo lankmoedig
het zwaard van de wraak onthouden hebt,
was onze ontelbare misdaden weg;
jij, die grote barmhartigheid liefhebt.
Vervul onze harten
met jouw allerheiligste liefde,
met afkeer van zonde
en een brandend verlangen naar het hemelse vaderland,
waardoor jouw almachtige goedheid
meer en meer zal groeien. Amen

Translation by Anton Hendriks, Ben Terstegge & Hanneke Pot