How Media Manager helps your team
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Find things fast
Grant access, customize approvals, get insights and analytics on your assets, and more.
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Upload and manage
Easily resize, convert, and edit files, organize templates, and integrate with cloud storage you already use, such as Dropbox™, Google Drive, and more.
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Streamline your workflow
Track document versions, enjoy an intuitive, responsive interface, and integrate with Adobe® design programs.
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Integrates with 30+ leading workflow tools
Media Manager has integrations with over 30 of the leading workflow, marketing, and design tools, allowing you to seamlessly find and utilize Media Manager content without leaving those tools, saving you valuable time.
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Packages for every size company
Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, our customizable licensing packages are designed to fit your needs. Enjoy the benefits of our comprehensive asset management solution, regardless of the size of your licensing requirements.
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Smart CDN functionality
Built within Media Manager, CDN gives you the power to automatically resize your assets with a simple link.
Woman smiling while using her cell phone.
Effortlessly organize your assets
  • Populate purchases, licensing information, and keywords dynamically in near real‑time
  • Enjoy drag‑and‑drop uploading, integration with apps like Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, and OneDrive, and simple guest upload links
  • Easily group related content based on metadata and rules that automatically route the content
  • Automatically add tags to images, show similar content, and detect duplicates with AI and machine learning technologies
Man looking pensively into the distance.
Control all aspects of your solution
  • Ensure users access the right level of content with powerful permission settings
  • Keep your collaboration efforts in one place with tools like annotations, check‑in and check‑out functionality, and version control
  • Option to easily configure user permissions with customizable SSO configurations
  • Manage your asset availability and take control of your privacy with unique features that allow you to adjust public or private settings, control user access, and set publish and expiration dates for your assets
See Why Media Manager Stands Out from Other Asset Management Solutions
Woman with yellow backpack posing with her cellphone.
Make discovering content easy
  • Help users find content in a way that makes sense for your business with tools like portals, libraries, and more
  • Integrate and utilize assets from your DAM anywhere with our powerful API 
  • Search for text within images and documents for easy discoverability

Pastel ball puzzle game.
Distribute content seamlessly
  • Easily grant access to content inside and outside of your organization with shareable links 
  • Embed content on web pages and emails from your DAM with CDN links, which automatically updates all  your assets without needing to create a new link

Man working on a laptop while wearing headphones.
Measure the impact of your images and video
  • Use machine learning to evaluate content based on views, downloads, and shares with Asset Score 
  • Access an aggregate view of your DAM's ins and outs with our insights. This view will show you what’s being viewed, shared, and downloaded—and from where

Trusted by these industry leaders and more
Learn how Media Manager can work for you
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A feature‑rich asset management solution

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See the Media Manager Knowledge Base

Learn More
The Download: Building a Brand Visual Library: Managing Multiple Brands

Watch the Video