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70 results found
Your anti Trump and it show's it in all of the political new.
News should be non bias............ that's not happening.
25th ranked -
44th ranked
Either post legitimate news or remove "News" from your name before you're sued for false advertising.
I just took a screenshot of two headlines for the same news story and it reveals the depths of TRASH YahooNews has become. One: "Mel Gibson at Trump's Mar-a-Lago reveals what it would lead him to "kill someone". YahooNews: "Mel Gibson Threatens to "Kill Someone" While Fearmongering At Mar-a-Lago".
You guys are pathetic.44th ranked -
Yahoo and their anti semitism
Why is the phrase "cool it with the Anti semitism" deserve an auto censorship?
Is it's because you agree with anti semitism? I wonder if the ADL is aware that you are fostering hatred against the Jewish people.44th ranked -
Pay closer attention to ads you post after an article.
After the article about the woman who killed her boyfriend by zipping him up in a suitcase, you posted an ad for how to make the right choice for a travel suitcase.
That's just wrong!44th ranked -
Define lines between news and opinion. Don't trade integrity for clicks.
There once was a time when news was news and entertainment was entertainment. There was an easily defined difference in what was printed in the news and what was presented in tabloid pieces such as the Inquirer. Writers with integrity, I believe, should refrain from slanting articles so obviously politically charged and call them news. Editors and the powers that be in the media should Define these lines as well and and maintain these products in their proper Lanes. I imagine it comes down to what side of History you want to be on.
44th ranked -
44th ranked
31st ranked
noun1. a person who rigs or attends to the rigging of a sailing ship, aircraft, or parachute. 2. an artist's long-haired sable brush.
Why is this word auto censored by your bots?
44th ranked -
Your auto-censoring is a joke and hinders discourse. It doesnt say WHAT triggered the censor, let alone allow a person to fix it.
Actually show why a comment was censored and actually allow a poster to correct the percieved violation once they know what the perceived violation was. Your auto-censors are overly sensitive and prevent honest discourse. Further, there is NO ALERT telling a poster if their comment has failed appeal or been allowed. This would also reduce the workload of your moderators.
44th ranked -
Trackers and cookies
It's really funny the moment I use an ad blocker, yahoo stop freezing and crashing.
Perhaps it's time to cut back on the 59+ things you load.
Perhaps fire the DEI and dalit code monkiesas well. At this point by keeping them around you are going against your fiduciary responsibilities at a company.44th ranked -
Please issue a fact check of today's Bedminster press conference.
Write a fact check every time a politician speaks publicly
44th ranked -
Timely fact checks on political speeches. Two recent examples: Trump call with Musk on Aug. 12 and Trump speech today Aug. 14. CNN has.
With each report detailing content of a political speech, provide fact check the same day.
44th ranked -
No repitan noticias, y mucho menos, antiguas, gracias
No repitan noticias y mucho menos, antiguas
44th ranked -
Advice for Yahoo
Just a heads up Yahoo. Your political censorship is grounds for a very winnable class action lawsuit. Just my 2 cents worth.
44th ranked -
Eliminate Fox 'News'! It is not a credible news source!
Eliminate Fox 'News'!!! It is not a credible news source, and is disseminating misinformation!
44th ranked -
Vulgar language
Stop being hypocrites. So vulgar language can be posted in your articles, but when commenters attempt such, they are rejected and banned.
14th ranked -
Stop messing with my first amendment rights to free speech, you can be sued.
Stop threatening my rights to free can and will be sued.
25th ranked -
Earth on discovered hour prior by...???
Who wrote that?
44th ranked -
Please remove Fox New
Fox News is a right-wing propaganda mouthpiece, not a news organization. It does not belong here.
7th ranked
- Don't see your idea?