Make the email date groupings optional.
Make the email date groupings optional.
I don't want the emails grouped by day, week, or month. I simply want to see my emails without spaces in between them and all together. I don't care how long ago I received the email.
Idio Cracy commented
Obviously some overstuffed exec's boyfriend/nephew needed make-busy-work, to keep him from staying on the roof snorting coke all day. So now we all get this new, shiny, handy-dandy, ******-up-piece-of-**** format shoved up our *****, given NO choice of keeping the old-style in place. It works, so LET'S "FIX" IT, and justify being way overpaid, while sucking off our uncles/bosses! Can you clowns grasp the fact that NO ONE is jazzed by this "new" platform? And why are you asking me to "sign in", when I am ALREADY ******* SIGNED IN?? HOW THE **** DO YOU ******** THINK I GOT TO THE ******* FEEDBACK PAGE, TO START WITH???