There's nothing built in, but you can of course group them yourself into promise chains, and use a Promise.all
on the resulting array of chains:
const items = /* ...1000 items... */;
const concurrencyLimit = 10;
const promise = Promise.all(items.reduce((promises, item, index) => {
// What chain do we add it to?
const chainNum = index % concurrencyLimit;
let chain = promises[chainNum];
if (!chain) {
// New chain
chain = promises[chainNum] = Promise.resolve();
// Add it
promises[chainNum] = chain.then(_ => foo(item));
return promises;
}, []));
Here's an example, showing how many concurrent promises there are any given time (and also showing when each "chain" is complete, and only doing 200 instead of 1,000):
const items = buildItems();
const concurrencyLimit = 10;
const promise = Promise.all(items.reduce((promises, item, index) => {
const chainNum = index % concurrencyLimit;
let chain = promises[chainNum];
if (!chain) {
chain = promises[chainNum] = Promise.resolve();
promises[chainNum] = chain.then(_ => foo(item));
return promises;
}, []).map(chain => chain.then(_ => console.log("Chain done"))));
promise.then(_ => console.log("All done"));
function buildItems() {
const items = [];
for (let n = 0; n < 200; ++n) {
items[n] = n;
return items;
var outstanding = 0;
function foo(item) {
console.log("Starting " + item + " (" + outstanding + ")");
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(_ => {
console.log("Resolving " + item + " (" + outstanding + ")");
}, Math.random() * 500);
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important;
I should note that if you want to track the result of each of those, you'd have to modify the above; it doesn't try to track the results (!). :-)