In async, if I need to apply a asynchronousfunction to 1000 items, I can do that with:

async.mapLimit(items, 10, (item, callback) => {
    foo(item, callback);

so that only 10 item are processed at the same time, limiting overhead and allowing control.

With ES6 promise, while I can easily do:

Promise.all(items.map((item) => {
    return bar(item);

that would process all 1000 items at the same time which may cause a lot of problems.

I know Bluebird have ways to handle that, but I am searching a ES6 solution.


5 Answers 5


If you don't care about the results, then it's quick to whip one up:

Promise.eachLimit = async (funcs, limit) => {
  let rest = funcs.slice(limit);
  await Promise.all(funcs.slice(0, limit).map(async func => {
    await func();
    while (rest.length) {
      await rest.shift()();

// Demo:

var wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

async function foo(s) {
  await wait(Math.random() * 2000);

(async () => {
  let funcs = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".split("").map(s => () => foo(s));
  await Promise.eachLimit(funcs, 5);

A key performance property is running the next available function as soon as any function finishes.

Preserving results

Preserving the results in order makes it a little less elegant perhaps, but not too bad:

Promise.mapLimit = async (funcs, limit) => {
  let results = [];
  await Promise.all(funcs.slice(0, limit).map(async (func, i) => {
    results[i] = await func();
    while ((i = limit++) < funcs.length) {
      results[i] = await funcs[i]();
  return results;

// Demo:

var wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

async function foo(s) {
  await wait(Math.random() * 2000);
  return s.toLowerCase();

(async () => {
  let funcs = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".split("").map(s => () => foo(s));
  console.log((await Promise.mapLimit(funcs, 5)).join(""));

  • 2
    For anyone unfamiliar with the await/async notations, you can copy/paste the definitions (top above the Demo) and then use it normally with .then() like you're used to.
    – radicand
    Commented Jun 6, 2017 at 21:04
  • 1
    Would you not need to rewrite the mapped function in line let funcs = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".split("").map(s => () => foo(s)); as: ... .map(s => async () => await(foo));?
    – Zach
    Commented Feb 6, 2018 at 17:10
  • I think there's a bug with the version that preserves results. I'm getting the same item in the array processed multiple times.
    – chovy
    Commented Jun 2, 2018 at 2:24
  • 1
    @chovy Now fixed. Was being sloppy about when limit was incremented in a for-loop containing await. Thanks for spotting it!
    – jib
    Commented Jun 3, 2018 at 1:54
  • What is promise.eachlimit?
    – Jimmy Kane
    Commented Oct 10, 2020 at 17:46

There's nothing built in, but you can of course group them yourself into promise chains, and use a Promise.all on the resulting array of chains:

const items = /* ...1000 items... */;
const concurrencyLimit = 10;
const promise = Promise.all(items.reduce((promises, item, index) => {
    // What chain do we add it to?
    const chainNum = index % concurrencyLimit;
    let chain = promises[chainNum];
    if (!chain) {
        // New chain
        chain = promises[chainNum] = Promise.resolve();
    // Add it
    promises[chainNum] = chain.then(_ => foo(item));
    return promises;
}, []));

Here's an example, showing how many concurrent promises there are any given time (and also showing when each "chain" is complete, and only doing 200 instead of 1,000):

const items = buildItems();
const concurrencyLimit = 10;
const promise = Promise.all(items.reduce((promises, item, index) => {
    const chainNum = index % concurrencyLimit;
    let chain = promises[chainNum];
    if (!chain) {
        chain = promises[chainNum] = Promise.resolve();
    promises[chainNum] = chain.then(_ => foo(item));
    return promises;
}, []).map(chain => chain.then(_ => console.log("Chain done"))));
promise.then(_ => console.log("All done"));

function buildItems() {
  const items = [];
  for (let n = 0; n < 200; ++n) {
    items[n] = n;
  return items;

var outstanding = 0;
function foo(item) {
  console.log("Starting " + item + " (" + outstanding + ")");
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(_ => {
      console.log("Resolving " + item + " (" + outstanding + ")");
    }, Math.random() * 500);
.as-console-wrapper {
  max-height: 100% !important;

I should note that if you want to track the result of each of those, you'd have to modify the above; it doesn't try to track the results (!). :-)

  • Sad that nothing exist for this, async doesn't support promises and yet is so helpful :/
    – DrakaSAN
    Commented May 10, 2017 at 13:11
  • @DrakaSAN: Nothing built-in. :-) I'm sure there are libraries that do it, like Bluebird or Q or similar (I haven't checked, though). Commented May 10, 2017 at 13:11

This is the closest one to async.eachLimit

Promise.eachLimit = async (coll, limit, asyncFunc) => {
let ret = [];
    const splitArr = coll.reduce((acc,item,i)=> (i%limit) ? acc :[...acc,coll.slice(i,i+limit)],[])
    for(let i =0; i< splitArr.length;i++){
        ret[i]=await Promise.all(splitArr[i].map(ele=>asyncFunc(ele)));
    return ret;

const wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

async function foo(s) {
  await wait(Math.random() * 2000);
  return s.toLowerCase();

(async () => {
  console.log((await Promise.eachLimit(arr, 5, foo)));


If batching promises, avoid using Promise.all, and prefer Promise.allSettled. Promise.all will reject if any promise fails returning the first rejection reason. Promise.allSettled allows all promises to run and collectes the results whether or not the promise succeeded or failed.


Using Array.prototype.splice

while (funcs.length) {
  await Promise.all( funcs.splice(0, 100).map(f => f()) )
  • How would you do the next 100
    – chovy
    Commented Feb 18, 2023 at 19:33

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