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Redshift / Regular Expression (Negative Lookahead) does not work

When I use negative lookahead (something like (?!abc)) on redshift, redshift returns the error like this: -- Find records that do not start with abc select * from table_a where column_a ~ '^(?!abc).+$...
sora's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

How to use a regex capture group in redshift (or alternative)

I have a field in a redshift column that looks like the following: abcd1234df-TEXT_I-WANT the characters and numbers in the first 10 digits can be either letters or numbers. If I use a capture ...
user1874064's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to do dynamic regex matching, in redshift?

So, I have a table with one of columns(say A) a "string", and another column having the corresponding "regex pattern", is it possible to check if the regex matches string value in column A for every ...
krishna sai's user avatar
6 votes
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Redshift SQL - Extract numbers from string

In Amazon Redshift tables, I have a string column from which I need to extract numbers only out. For this currently I use translate(stringfield, '0123456789'||stringfield, '0123456789') I was ...
androboy's user avatar
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How can I find any non ASCII characters in Redshift database

I've a database table I'd like to return all values where a column contains a non ASCII character anywhere in the string. Is there an easy way to do this? I've tried this select col_name, ...
ewan123uk's user avatar
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Use Regex from a column in Redshift

I have 2 tables in Redshift, one of them has a column containing Regex strings. And I want to join them like so: select * from one o join two t on o.value ~ t.regex But this query throws an error: [...
Malki's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

SQL Regex to select string between second and third forward slash

I am using Postgres/Redshift to query a table of URLs and am trying to use SELECT regex_substr to select a string that is between the second and third forward slash in the column. For example I need ...
BLL27's user avatar
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Redshift regular expression for domain extraction

I'm trying to form a regular expression for REGEXP_SUBSTR (Redshift) which will extract the sub-domain & domain part from any given URL. I tried many suggestions from stackoverflow: regular-...
Pavel D's user avatar
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4 answers

Regexp : any chr but ignore word

Trying to capture server names from string. A server name can be letters + digits letters + digits + letters (but not 'root') Problem is that in circumstances the word 'root' gets added to the end ...
SimonB's user avatar
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3 answers

Regex to remove "-" from the middle of a timestamp string in postgresql

I have a table that has the column hour that is not in the right timestamp format: hour --------------------- 2014-12-06-01:44:35 2014-12-06-01:44:35 2014-12-06-01:44:35 2014-12-...
Vor's user avatar
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Redshift Extract String Between Two Patterns (regexp_substr)

I'm trying to extract the text following deviceSerialNumber= that occurs until either a & or the end of the string. Data looks like someddata&=somedataagain&deviceSerialNumber=...
David's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Regex to convert CamelCase to snake case in Redshift

I am trying to convert CamelCase to either snake case or separated by a delimiter using regex in SQL (AWS Redshift). So something like regexp_replace(MyString, '([A-Z]+)', '-$1') except I need to ...
saud's user avatar
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Extracting Values from Array in Redshift SQL

I have some arrays stored in Redshift table "transactions" in the following format: id, total, breakdown 1, 100, [50,50] 2, 200, [150,50] 3, 125, [15, 110] ... n, 10000, [100,900] Since this format ...
Ajax729's user avatar
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redshift sql using regular expression to get first, second, third values from a string which is like following

pattern: d0=123;d1=134;d2=123;d3=13;d4=33;d5=44;d6=55; If want to get the first number between = & ; output: 123 If I want to get the second occurrence between = & ; output: 134 regex ...
Sai Kiran T's user avatar
2 votes
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REGEXP_REPLACE Punctuation in Redshift

I'm trying to use REGEXP_REPLACE to remove all punctuation from a varchar. I'm using the following: regexp_replace(d.NAME, [.,\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()]) But it gives me an error, saying: ...
acs254's user avatar
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